Policy Title: Use of Unmanned Aircraft Systems

Responsible Office: Student Development
Policy Officer: VP for Student Development
|Faculty |Staff |Student |Public

Approved By: President's Council

Approved Date: 4/24/2019

Effective Date: 7/30/2019

Category: Campus Use and Facilities


To define the requirements for the use of Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) on property owned or controlled by Saint Francis University ("Saint Francis" or "University"), or elsewhere for University-affiliated activities.





Operator: any person controlling the flight of a UAS, whether through the direct operation as a pilot or under the supervision of a remote pilot in command. 

Restricted Areas: University property that the University has deemed too sensitive or unsafe to permit use of UAS.

Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS): an aircraft operated without the possibility of direct human intervention from within or on the aircraft.

University-Affiliated Activity: an event, function or activity sponsored by the University, or a University department, organization, or group. This includes research activities conducted under the auspices of the University but does not include activities by recognized student organizations.

University Property: all property owned, occupied, or leased by Saint Francis University.



On University Property

Use of UAS on University property is prohibited unless the operator is a student, University employee (in the course of their employment), or other individual approved by the University to operate a UAS. The UAS Operations Manager must provide approval for all UAS operations on University property.

All use of UAS on University property, for any purpose, must abide by the applicable FAA authorization. University students and recognized student organizations may operate a UAS on University property in accordance with FAA regulations for model aircraft under 49 USC 44809  (E-CFR link: https://uscode.house.gov/view.xhtml?req=granuleid:USC-prelim-title49-section44809&num=0&edition=prelim), if they are using the UAS for hobby and recreational use only (which can include educational activities conducted as part of a student's coursework). Note that 49 USC 44809 operations must follow a community based set of safety guidelines; thus, when operating on University property, UAS operations under 49 USC 44809 must abide by the Academy of Model Aeronautics National Model Aircraft Safety Code (AMA). University employees or other individuals approved by the University to operate a UAS may operate a UAS on University property in accordance with FAA regulations for small unmanned aircraft systems (sUAS) under 14 C.F.R. Part 107 (E-CFR link: https://ecfr.io/Title-14/pt14.2.107).

Restricted & Altitude Restricted Areas.  Use of UAS in restricted areas, or in violation of the maximum altitude above the ground in altitude restricted areas, is prohibited by all UAS operators, for any purpose unless written permission is obtained from the applicable facilities director as named in the UAS Operations Manual. The University, in collaboration with the UAS Operations Manager, will be responsible for developing and publishing a map identifying restricted areas and altitude restricted areas map for its respective campus. If applicable, space may be deemed a restricted area only for particular day and/or times.

For University-Affiliated Activities Not on University Property

Use of UAS for University-affiliated activities must abide by University policy as well as the rules and regulations governing the area of flight.



All use of UAS on University property and all use of UAS on non-University property by the University, its students and employees, or third party contractors or affiliates for University-affiliated activities must abide by the following requirements:

  1. University UAS Operations Manual. All UAS operations on University property or as part of a University-affiliated activity must be conducted in accordance with the applicable federal, state, and local laws, as well as the University's UAS Operations Manual, which addresses issues such as pre- and post-flight procedures, safety concerns and flight restrictions. 
  2. Registration. All UAS requiring registration with the FAA must also be registered with the University.
  3. Insurance. All registered UAS must be insured. Both students and student organizations are responsible for providing insurance for their own UAS operations.
  4. License. Operators must possess and supply their piloting credentials to the University prior to flight and must have successfully completed the Universitys UAS Compliance Course.
  5. Safety. Use of UAS shall not create an undue hazard to life or property, and they may not be operated in a way which invades privacy, unduly affects the environment of those working within a building, or those entering, exiting or walking around a facility or University property. The UAS must be under the control of the operator at all times.
  6. Permissions. UAS operators of UAS operations that are part of a University-affiliated activity but not on University property must receive documented permission from the property owner of the property where the UAS operations will occur. Such permission shall be provided to the UAS Operations Manager upon request.
  7. Accident Reporting. All accidents that result in injury or that cause property damage (other than to the UAS itself) must be reported to University Police immediately. Details on reporting criteria and processes can be found at https://www.francis.edu/University-Policies-and-Handbooks/.
  8. Public Venues. UAS may not be operated above public open-air events, inside University athletic and entertainment venues open to the public, or above thoroughfares without prior approval by the applicable facilities director (as named in the UAS Operations Manual).
  9. Indoor Flying. UAS may not be operated inside of any University facility, including residence halls, academic buildings, or athletics buildings, without permission of the applicable facilities director (as named in the UAS Operations Manual).
  10. Airport. UAS may not be operated in a manner that interferes with operations and traffic patterns at any airport, heliport, or seaplane base.
  11. Third Party Operations. In addition to the aforementioned requirements, if a University unit arranges for a third party to operate a UAS on University property or for a University-affiliated activity,
    • The unit must contact the Saint Francis University Risk Manager to ensure that the UAS owner and operator has adequate liability insurance and takes the risk mitigation arrangements deemed appropriate.
    • If a third party will be operating under their own FAA waiver or authorization, the third party will provide copy to the UAS Operations Manager for prior approval.
    • The third party shall provide documentation supporting the operator's certification and medical readiness.
    • The Saint Francis University Risk Manager will be responsible for the administration of all third party flight activities that begin or end on the University's campus.



Any exceptions or waivers to the FAA regulations on flight or this Policy must be pursued through the University's UAS Operations Manager.


UAS Operator: the operator of the UAS is directly responsible for, and is the final authority as to, the operation of that UAS. The operator is responsible for ensuring UAS operations complies with federal, state, and local laws as well as this Policy.

Office of Student Development (OSD): The University shall establish and maintain policy and procedures for safe and compliant use of UAS operations on University property or as part of a University-affiliated activity. The OSD will provide oversight of established policies and procedures related to UAS operations. The OSD will identify the UAS Compliance Course required by this Policy and keep records of all training/certification completed as required by federal, state, and local laws as well as this Policy. 

UAS Operations Manager: The University shall designate an individual to serve as the UAS Operations Manager. The UAS Operations Manager shall be responsible for and have authority for approval of all UAS Operations conducted at or by the University. The UAS Operations Manager shall report to the Chief Academic Officer and the OSD on matters related to UAS operations. The Manager will also regularly consult with the Chief Academic Officer and Campus Police. The UAS Operations Manager will also have the following responsibilities:

  1. Develop and maintain the University's UAS Operations Manual.
  2. Promote UAS operations in support of the University mission that are safe, effective, and efficient.
  3. Ensure that University faculty, staff, and students participating in University UAS operations comply with federal, state and local laws, applicable waivers, authorizations or letters of agreement, and this Policy.
  4. Serve as the University's primary point of contact with the FAA for issues relating to use of UAS on University property or as part of University-affiliated activity.
  5. Ensure compliance with FAA/NTSB reporting requirements.
  6. Maintain all required records.



The University has the right to immediately terminate the operation of a UAS if it interferes with campus operations, poses hazards to any person or university facilities, equipment, or other property, or has not received the proper approvals as required by federal, state, and local laws as well as this SFU Policy. Failure to comply with this Policy, the standards set forth in the University's UAS Operations Manual, a UAS approved flight plan, or regional, state, or federal law may result in a decision of non-compliance. Non-compliance can lead to the prescription of remediation and/or sanctions, up to and including revocation of the privilege to fly a UAS under the auspices of the University or on University property. Suspected non-compliance shall be handled by Campus Police and/or the Office of Residence Life as described in the applicable standard operating procedures. 



For questions, additional detail, or to request changes to this policy, please contact the Chief Academic Officer, Campus Police, the Vice President of Student and Community Development, or the UAS Operations Manager (mstrom@francis.edu).



Accidents and Incidents Policy

Reporting a Work-Related Injury Policy


Approval: President's Council 04/24/2019; 07/30/2019

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