Policies by Department - IT Services

The University provides the email, network, guest network, and Internet resources for University-related activity. The purpose of the campus network is to support education and research by providing access to valuable resources. It also provides opportunity for interaction and collaborative work using the Internet through e-mail services and other network applications. The Acceptable Use of Information Technology Resources policy is applicable to all employees and students.

Copyright Policy
Responsible Office: IT Services

Recognizing the balance between fostering creativity and protecting ownership, Saint Francis University expects and requires all students, faculty, and staff to comply with applicable copyright laws and this policy. Saint Francis University students, faculty, and staff are expected to have a basic understanding of copyright law in order to ensure compliance with the law and this policy. 

Logical Access Control
Responsible Office: IT Services

The purpose of this policy is to ensure access to the university information technology network by authorized persons as intended by University leadership, and the Department of Information Technology Services.  This policy defines the levels of intended access by user type (role) and authorizes the Department of Information Technology Services to monitor for, detect and take actions to remedy violations of the Logical Access Policy.

Minimum Computing Standards
Responsible Office: IT Services

Saint Francis University requires that all students in undergraduate and graduate academic programs have a notebook/laptop computer that meets or exceeds the listed requirements.


Web Privacy Policy
Responsible Office: IT Services


Saint Francis University, located in Loretto, Pennsylvania, United States of America, provides the following information related to the privacy of users to the University's main website and other websites in the francis.edu domain (together, the "Sites"). 


This privacy policy was established to address the collection, protection, and utilization of information that may be obtained by Saint Francis University through your use of the University's main website and other websites that we own or control (together, the "Sites"). 

Copyright © Saint Francis University 2024