Policies by Category

The University provides the email, network, guest network, and Internet resources for University-related activity. The purpose of the campus network is to support education and research by providing access to valuable resources. It also provides opportunity for interaction and collaborative work using the Internet through e-mail services and other network applications. The Acceptable Use of Information Technology Resources policy is applicable to all employees and students.

Logical Access Control
Responsible Office: IT Services

The purpose of this policy is to ensure access to the university information technology network by authorized persons as intended by University leadership, and the Department of Information Technology Services.  This policy defines the levels of intended access by user type (role) and authorizes the Department of Information Technology Services to monitor for, detect and take actions to remedy violations of the Logical Access Policy.

Minimum Computing Standards
Responsible Office: IT Services

Saint Francis University requires that all students in undergraduate and graduate academic programs have a notebook/laptop computer that meets or exceeds the listed requirements.


Out-of-State Academic Activities
Responsible Office: Academic Affairs

As an institution that participates in federal financial aid programs under Title IV of the Higher Education Act of 1965, Saint Francis University is committed to fully complying with federal regulations regarding state authorization as well as all requirements issued by States regarding the operation of higher education institutions within their jurisdictions. This policy is intended to address certain federal regulations, specifically 34 CFR 600.9, 34 CFR 668.43, and the rules of the National Council of State Authorization Reciprocity Agreements (NC-SARA).

This policy therefore:

  1. Defines the offices, departments, and personnel responsible for ensuring the University’s compliance with laws, regulations, and agreements related to State Authorization;
  2. Establishes governance and communication structures necessary to maintain State Authorization compliance; and 
  3. Empowers University offices, departments, and/or personnel described herein to expect cooperative assistance from other University offices, departments, and/or personnel in order to comply with State Authorization laws, regulations, and agreements.

This policy does not govern the University's compliance with laws, regulations, and agreements pertaining to issues beyond state authorization.


This policy applies to all administration, faculty, and staff.

Policy on Policies
Responsible Office: Academic Affairs

The purpose of this policy is to ensure that the Saint Francis University community has ready access to well-developed and understandable University policies.

Saint Francis University is committed to maintaining the privacy and confidentiality of education records, to providing students with appropriate access to their education records, and to compliance with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (FERPA) and its regulations. The purpose of this policy is to set forth the University’s policies and procedures regarding the privacy of and access to education records.

Professional Licensure Disclosures
Responsible Office: Academic Affairs

This policy helps to ensure the University's compliance with federal regulations (34 CFR 668.43) and its obligations as a SARA-participating institution regarding public and direct disclosure requirements related to Professional Licensure Programs.


This policy applies to academic administration, recruitment, and admissions personnel that administer Professional Licensure Programs, regardless of modality or geographic location.

Saint Francis University Remote Work Policy
Responsible Office: Human Resources

As Saint Francis University enters an era of growth we will do so with the mission of the University as our guiding light. The mission states, in part, that the university expresses the lived example of Saint Francis of Assisi in the modern world and promotes a culture that seeks understanding through innovation. With this in mind, we aim to ensure our employee work environment is led by our Catholic values and is understanding, flexible, and equitable. To meet the reality of the modern world, the University is establishing and supporting this remote work policy.

Smoking Policy
Responsible Office: Risk Management

Smoking Policy


Faculty, staff, students and visitors to campus.

Responsible Office: Academic Affairs

Speakers Policy

Student Activities and Organization: Travel Policy and Notification Procedure

Student Location Policy
Responsible Office: Registrar's Office

This policy is in accordance with the U.S. Code of Federal Regulations, specifically 34 CFR 668.43(c) and 34 CFR 600.9, which require the institution to make a determination regarding the State in which a student is located at the time of the student's initial enrollment in an educational program and upon formal receipt of information from the student that the student's location has changed to another State. This policy is necessary to provide a general structure under which the institution shall determine a student's location for purposes of complying with the federal rules, a condition of Title IV eligibility (i.e., the ability to offer federal student aid), and with the state authorization rules of the National Council for State Authorization Reciprocity Agreements (NC-SARA).

This policy is intended to address federal government consumer protection requirements of 34 CFR 668.43. When requested, and subject to applicable privacy laws, Saint Francis University will make the determination regarding a student's location, together with any supporting documentation, available to the Secretary of Education as required by 34 CFR 600.9(c)(2)(ii).

Treatment of Title IV Aid When a Student Withdraws
Responsible Office: Financial Aid

Treatment of Title IV Aid When a Student Withdraws

Veterans Educational Benefits
Responsible Office: Business Office

To ensure the University's compliance with 38 U.S. Code Chapter 36, Administration of Educational Benefits, and the Veterans Benefits and Transition Act of 2018.

Weapons Policy.
Responsible Office: Student Development

The use of or possession of open or concealed weapons at Saint Francis University

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