Policy Title: Auditing Classes

Responsible Office: Academic Affairs
Policy Officer: Chief Academic Officer

Approved By: President's Council

Approved Date: 7/17/2017

Effective Date: 7/17/2017

Category: Academics


Students who wish to take courses for their information only may choose to audit the classes. The courses will appear on the transcript with a grade of "AD" and will not count toward any semester or cumulative totals. 


Students must specify on their registration forms which courses they are auditing and must pay the audit fee (one-half tuition) if tuition is being determined on an individual course basis. Students may not audit courses which are required for their degrees.



Auditing a course means that the student regularly attends scheduled class sessions, but earns no credit and no grade. Auditing students participate in class and sometimes complete assignments and take examinations, but do not receive an A,B, C, D, or F grade from the instructor. Auditing offers students the option of exploring a course(s) without affecting their grade point average (GPA).


Students who wish to take courses for their information only may choose to audit the classes. The courses will appear on the transcript with a grade of "AD" and will not count toward any semester or cumulative totals.

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