Policy Title: Academic Standing

Responsible Office: Academic Affairs
Policy Officer: Chief Academic Officer

Approved By: President's Council

Approved Date: 7/17/2017

Effective Date: 7/17/2017

Category: Academics


Academic standing is based on semester and cumulative grade point average (G.P.A.) on all Saint Francis University courses once a student has attempted at least 12 credits. 


Academic standing is based on semester and cumulative grade point average (G.P.A.) on all Saint Francis University courses once a student has attempted at least 12 credits. The quality point averages determining good academic standing, academic warning, academic probation, and academic dismissal are established to provide students with a clear understanding of their responsibilities during their college careers. All credits listed are attempted.

Good Standing:

30 or fewer credits

Cumulative G.P.A. at or above 1.800


31-59 credits

Cumulative G.P.A. at or above 1.900


60 or more credits

Cumulative G.P.A. at or above 2.000





30 or fewer credits

Semester G.P.A. below 2.0, and cumulative G.P.A. at or above 1.800


31-59 credits

Semester G.P.A. below 2.0, and cumulative G.P.A. at or above 1.900


60 or more credits

Semester G.P.A. below 2.0, and cumulative G.P.A. at or above 2.000





30 or fewer credits

Cumulative G.P.A. below 1.800


31-59 credits

Cumulative G.P.A. below 1.900


60 or more credits

Cumulative G.P.A. below 2.000






Cumulative G.P.A. less than 1.000

Students placed on academic probation are required to participate in a structured study laboratory program entitled Study Acceleration: Gaining Excellence (SAGE). SAGE consists of supervised study periods, individual tutoring, skills workshops, and self-assessment under the direction of University faculty and staff. Students are limited to 12 credits per semester while they are on academic probation.

Students on academic warning, while still in good standing, will be reviewed by the Academic Standing Committee where recommendations will be made as to possible credit limitation, required SAGE hours, the addition of a study skills course, and/or other requirements.

Students who are on warning or probation at the end of spring semester are encouraged to attend summer semester at Saint Francis University and raise their cumulative G.P.A. to that required for good standing. A student's academic standing may change as the result of summer semester courses.

Academic dismissal will occur:

  1. When a student's cumulative G.P.A. is less than 1.000;
  2. After two consecutive probationary semesters (excluding summer semester); or if students on academic probation do not participate in SAGE as required and do not achieve academic good standing by the end of the semester.

After the first academic dismissal, students may appeal to the Chief Academic Officer. If the appeal is granted, students may return to the University for the next semester (fall, spring, or summer). If the appeal is denied, students may not apply for readmission for at least one calendar year, at which time the readmission request must be approved by the Chief Academic Officer upon the recommendation of the Academic Standing Committee. When students return from academic dismissal, they are on academic probation, and additional stipulations may be specified.

Students who have been away from the University for at least five years after a second dismissal may apply for readmission at that time. Their application would be presented to the Chief Academic Officer, who will consult the Academic Standing Committee for a recommendation, and then make a decision.


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