Responsible Office: Academic Affairs Approved By: President's Council Approved Date: 5/1/2024 Effective Date: 5/1/2024 Category: Academics Description/Purpose: Saint Francis University (SFU) acknowledges that students may be temporarily unable to attend classes or be required to pause their studies to perform military service. SFU encourages such students to resume their education once a military service obligation has ended and adopts this policy to ensure the timely readmission of such students. Details: Description: Saint Francis University (SFU) acknowledges that students may be temporarily unable to attend classes or be required to pause their studies to perform military service. SFU encourages such students to resume their education once a military service obligation has ended and adopts this policy to ensure the timely readmission of such students. A student is eligible for a Military Leave of Absence (MLOA) and readmission under this policy if, during an absence, the student performs uniformed service. Uniformed services means service, whether voluntary or involuntary, in the Armed Forces, including service by a member of the National Guard or Reserve, on active duty, active duty for training, or full-time National Guard duty under Federal authority, for a period of more than 30 consecutive days under a call or order to active duty of more than 30 consecutive days. The cumulative length of all absences for uniformed service (service time only) must not exceed five years. In some cases, there are less drastic alternatives to MLOA. If a substantial part of the semester has been completed at the time the student is called to service, the student may discuss arrangements with faculty to fulfill their academic responsibilities for the semester and apply for “I” (Incomplete) or “CN” (Continuing) grades as outlined in the University catalog. Additionally, if the student has completed 80% of the graded requirements in the course according to the syllabus, faculty may choose to discuss options with the student, including accepting the current grade or allowing the completion of final assignments or exams ahead of schedule. Students may also opt for a reduced course load. Students are encouraged to discuss such options with the University’s Center for Academic Success (CAS) prior to submitting a Military Leave of Absence. Applicability Military Leave of Absence is available only to students who:
Academic Records
Please note that while on a MLOA, students may not enroll in any SFU courses. Process to Request
Notifications will be sent to the Office of the Registrar, Financial Aid, Business Office, and the Military Affairs Coordinator. Financial Considerations Financial policies for Military Leave of Absence (MLOA) will ensure that:
Return/Re-enrollment In accordance with federal regulations, 34 C.F.R. § 668.18, SFU will promptly readmit service members who seek readmission to a program that was interrupted due to a uniformed service obligation.
In accordance with federal regulations, returning students who receive a dishonorable or bad conduct discharge from the Armed Forces (including the National Guard and Reserves) are not eligible for readmission under this policy. However, servicemembers who receive dishonorable or bad conduct discharge may remain eligible for readmission even though they will not be entitled to the benefits outlined in this policy. Approved and enacted May 1, 2024 |