Policy Title: Leave of Absence

Responsible Office: Academic Affairs
Policy Officer: Chief Academic Officer

Approved By: Faculty Senate

Approved Date: 5/1/2024

Effective Date: 5/1/2024

Category: Student


Students who need to take a temporary interruption from their program of study at Saint Francis University may request a Leave of Absence (LOA). A Leave of Absence is a temporary leave from the University. The requesting student should intend to return within two full academic semesters. A Leave of Absence should be requested prior to the upcoming semester in which the leave is to take effect unless unforeseen circumstances prevent the student from doing so.


What is a Leave of Absence?
Students who need to take a temporary interruption from their program of study at Saint Francis University may request a Leave of Absence (LOA). A Leave of Absence is a temporary leave from the University. The requesting student should intend to return within two full academic semesters. A Leave of Absence should be requested prior to the upcoming semester in which the leave is to take effect unless unforeseen circumstances prevent the student from doing so.
Students may take time away from the University for reasons including:
  • Health – for example, to manage a medical concern,
  • Personal – such as fulfilling a family obligation or responding to a family crisis,
  • Professional Opportunities – to pursue a career opportunity.
Students should take careful consideration before applying for a Leave of Absence. It is recommended that students contemplating a Leave of Absence from the University first discuss this matter with their advisor or counselor and financial aid. Before requesting leave, students should meet with Financial Aid to discuss educational loan grace periods and loan repayment policies.
A Leave of Absence allows students to return to the University within one calendar year from the date on which the leave was approved without the need to complete a new application and without changing the requirements of their current degree program. Students will retain access to Saint Francis University email while on a Leave of Absence. 
How to Submit a Leave of Absence Request:
Students who wish to take a Leave of Absence from Saint Francis University are required to complete the official Leave of Absence form from the Center for Academic Success (CAS). This form will then be signed by the director of CAS (or their designee) and sent to various offices at the University. The official process requires students to: 
  1. Complete the Leave of Absence form that includes the reason for the request and the intended date of return, and
  2. Meet with Financial Aid to discuss financial obligations and loan protocols. 
  • Students must be in good academic and disciplinary standing to qualify for a Leave of Absence. 
  • Graduate students must seek guidance from the graduate program department or director.
  • The Center for Academic Success will notify the student if the Leave of Absence request is approved.
  • The student may need to contact additional offices such as housing or dining to prepare for leave.
Procedures to Return from a Leave of Absence:
  • Students preparing to return to Saint Francis University after a Leave of Absence are required to contact Admissions at least two weeks prior to their return to complete the application for readmission.
  • Students are required to meet with the Business Office prior to returning to ensure all bills have been paid and there are no holds on the account that require action before registering for courses.
  • Students on a Leave of Absence will be held to normal deadlines for applying for financial aid for upcoming semesters in which the student plans to return.
If a student does not return from a Leave of Absence within 180 days, their financial aid will be impacted and it will trigger loan repayment. The student should talk to Financial Aid before requesting the leave to understand these implications. 
If a student cannot or chooses not to return to Saint Francis University after a Leave of Absence, the student’s status will change to withdrawn. A withdrawn status will impact financial aid and trigger loan repayment.
Approved by Faculty Senate April 9, 2024

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