Policy Title: COVID-19 Accommodations Policy

Responsible Office: Center for Academic Success
Policy Officer: Chief Academic Officer

Approved By: President's Council

Approved Date: 9/9/2020

Effective Date: 9/9/2020

Category: Academics


Students applying through the Center for Academic Success for an accommodation to complete all or part of the semester remotely or to transfer to 100% online courses for the semester are required to abide by the procedures of the application process and the expectations for participation in University events on or off the campus for the duration of the accommodation.


Saint Francis University prides itself in providing individual attention and accommodations for individual students. While this is always the case, COVID-19 presents new challenges both medically and socially. This policy is designed to support students who are challenged to continue their educational journey on campus and who request accommodations to take classes at home or in a remote location.

Students requesting an accommodation to take all of their classes online are referred to the Center for Academic Success (CAS). The student is required to complete an online form and to submit related documentation to substantiate the reason for the request. CAS representative will consult with a professional in the health center as/if needed. 

Once the request is verified and reviewed, CAS coordinates with the student's academic advisor, faculty, department chair, and/or school dean to assist the student in developing a plan for completion per the request and its approval status. To be activated, this plan must receive final approval by CAS representative, the respective department chair and dean, and the Chief Academic Officer.

Students are sent the final academic plan and decision by the CAS representative and instructed to meet with financial aid regarding financial implications; to discuss their decision with their athletic coach and athletics administration, if a student-athlete; and to discuss with student housing should the student have a signed contract with SFU housing. Each respective department representative must now sign off on the plan. The student submits this final signed plan along with their final written decision to the CAS representative after these discussions take place. 

Since the request for these accommodations is due to reasons preventing the student from being in person for classes, safety, and/or travel reasons, the University maintains the right to limit all other student interactions and engagement at University events both on and off campus for the health and safety of these students. Therefore, this accommodation, once approved, carries over to all face-to-face interaction on campus and University sponsored activities both on and off campus. Students are encouraged to participate in University activities virtually.

Students not following this policy are at risk of having their accommodation revoked. If a student needs to be on campus for any reason, he or she is to contact the CAS representative to discuss the reason and the situation related to his or her accommodation. This request will be reviewed, however the guidance of the reason for accommodation will take precedence over any consideration.

All decisions in this policy are made with the safety of students in mind as a priority, and students with an approved accommodation should be taking their classes at home.

If at any time a student wishes to revoke their accommodation and return full-time to campus, he or she must contact the Center for Academic Success.

This accommodation is for one semester at a time only. The student will have to submit a separate request for each subsequent semester(s).

*Note:  This policy was approved in September 2020, however this has been the operating practice and policy during the period of July 1, 2020 through this approval, while we determined new operating procedures and related policies applicable in this unprecedented time.



President's Council: 09/09/2020*

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