Policy Title: Reassigned Time for New Faculty

Responsible Office: Academic Affairs
Policy Officer: Chief Academic Officer

Approved By: President's Council

Approved Date: 4/10/2019

Effective Date: 4/10/2019

Category: Faculty and Staff


As an investment in the early development of new faculty, this policy provides opportunity for departments to request reassigned time for new faculty during their first semesters at Saint Francis University.



A department chair will work with her or his dean to apply for reassigned time when the final job candidate is formally recommended for hire at the instructor, assistant professor, or clinical assistant professor rank. A Memo of Understanding (MoU) form, which is used to propose other reassigned time, will be submitted to the Chief Academic Officer. This form will include a written statement of goals to be accomplished as part of the reassigned time and how those goals will be assessed. 

Departments may request two 3-credit course reassignments for each faculty member. At least one of these should be taken in the first year, and all should be completed within a faculty member's first three years of employment. Departments are expected to make efforts to minimize the cost of the reassigned time, when possible, by absorbing credits within normal teaching loads. Department budgets are to cover this expense.

Chairs will be expected to develop the goals for the reassigned time with the job candidate prior to submission of the MoU. If granted, the chair will also follow up with the faculty member at the conclusion of each semester in which reassigned time is used to assess progress on the goals and determine continuation of the reassigned time. The outcome of this assessment will be communicated to the appropriate dean and the Chief Academic Officer. Common goals may include, but are not limited to, establishment of an undergraduate research program, creation of new course materials, and/or program development.


Approval: President's Council 04-10-2019


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