Policy Title: Weapons Policy.

Responsible Office: Student Development
Policy Officer: VP for Student Development

Approved By: VP/Provost

Approved Date: 8/1/2018

Effective Date: 8/1/2018

Category: Institutional


The use of or possession of open or concealed weapons at Saint Francis University


The use of, or the possession of, open or concealed weapons such as firearms, swords, bayonets, explosives, knives (other than pocket knives and kitchen knives), etc. are prohibited from all property owned or operated by Saint Francis University, unless authorized by University Police. The misuse of pocket knives and kitchen knives is also prohibited. The use of, or the possession of, Airsoft, BB, and Paintball guns are also prohibited on property owned or operated by Saint Francis University. 

The policy equally applies to those weapons carried by persons with government-issued permit. This policy regarding weapons does not apply to Saint Francis University police officers, other duly-appointed law enforcement officers, and members of the U.S. Armen Forces when on duty. 

There may be activites (such as physical fitness, theatrical productions, displays, or educational workshops) that may appear to violated the letter but not the intent of this policy.  In such cases written approval from the Director of Public Safety and University Police is required before the activity takes place. Students who find it necessary to bring weapons from home, for example for hunting, you must store weapons at the University Police Office located at 2299 Manor Drive and may check them out when needed, but must be removed immediately after checking them out.

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