Policy Title: Parental Notification Without Student Consent

Responsible Office: Student Development
Policy Officer: VP for Student Development

Approved By: President's Council

Approved Date: 6/30/2018

Effective Date: 6/30/2018

Category: Student


The purpose of this policy is to clarify the circumstances and procedures when the University may notify the parent(s) or guardian(s) regarding information about a dependent student without the student’s consent.  While the University always strongly encourage students and parents to have an open discussion regarding personal responsibility and privacy during the college years, the University realizes the importance of parent/guardian involvement for successful matriculation and retention. 






The purpose of this policy is to clarify the circumstances and procedures when the University may notify parent(s) or guardian(s) regarding information about a dependent student without the student's consent. While the University always strongly encourages students and parents to have an open discussion regarding personal responsibility and privacy during the college years, the University realizes the importance of parent/guardian involvement for successful matriculation and retention.


University Philosophy Regarding the Role of Parent(s) or Guardian(s) in a Student's Education


Saint Francis University sees parent(s) or guardian(s) as crucial to the student in the achievement of higher education goals and personal development. The University encourages parent(s) or guardian(s) involvement for legitimate educational interest concerning their student's academic and personal development. To that end, the University will share certain information with the parent(s) or guardian(s) without the written consent of their dependent student. The University seeks to develop an appropriate partnership with parents so that together we can support students as they become independent thinkers and decision-makers.


While we value our relationship with students, we view the parent's/guardian's role as integral to student success at Saint Francis University. We prepare them for successful lives after graduation, guide them toward good decisions, and help them learn from the outcomes of those decisions. We expect students to take primary responsibility for their education. They are accountable for fulfilling their academic requirements, meeting their financial obligations, and adhering to the University's expectations for appropriate conduct.


Circumstances When Parental Notification May Take Place


University staff may notify parents or guardians when they have knowledge of circumstances that may adversely affect a student. The Vice President of Student Development or designee, in consultation with appropriate staff, will determine when parental notification will occur. 


Offices Responsible for Notification and Continuing Communication:

  • Academic Issues -- Office of Advising and Retention
  • Mental Health Issues -- Counseling Center
  • Student Behavior Issues -- Office of Student Development

These situations include:

  • Academic Issues - Parents/guardians may be notified when a dependent student is placed on academic probation, suspension, or withdraws from the University, or academic standing of a dependent student may negatively impact financial aid.  
  • Physical Health and Mental Health Issues - The University Counseling Center staff is prohibited by law from sharing detailed information regarding complaints or diagnoses, and even attendance at the University Counseling Center, without express consent from the student. However, staff will encourage students to discuss serious mental issues with parents or guardians. University Counseling Center staff will be permitted to violate confidentiality in the case of imminent danger, to the extent that it is necessary to protect the student or others who are threatened by the student. In such cases, parent(s) or guardian(s) will be notified.
  • Hospitalization - Parents or legal guardians of dependent students are typically notified in the event of hospitalization when transport to the hospital via ambulance is required for the dependent student. In those cases where the student(s) is alert and able to make informed decisions, they will be asked if they wish to call their parents or prefer that an administrator make the call. In cases where the students cannot make a choice, an administrator will notify parents. Parents will be provided with the nature of the situation, as well as the name and phone number of the hospital. Independent students who wish to have someone other than parents notified must contact the Office of Student Development with the name and number of the emergency contact. Parents or legal guardians of a dependent student are usually notified in the event of a serious injury or health or safety emergency when deemed necessary to protect the health or safety of the student or other individuals.
  • Student Conduct Issues - Parent(s) or guardian(s) of dependent students will be notified if a student poses a risk to themselves, others or the University Community's well-being. Parent(s) or legal guardian(s) of a dependent student will be notified in the event of a student's connection to events resulting in significant damage to property or a change in student's conduct standing. 
  • Missing Persons - Parent(s) or legal guardian(s) of a dependent student will be notified in instances when a "Missing Persons Report" is filed with University Police.

In some instances, the University may require parents to travel to Saint Francis and/or other health care facilities to assist in resolving challenges, especially disciplinary, medical, and mental health issues. We expect that parent(s) or legal guardian(s) will respond affirmatively, as such requests are not made without thorough consideration and compelling need. 


Related Policies:

Privacy of Student Records and Release of Information (FERPA)

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