Policy Title: Early College Policy

Responsible Office: Academic Affairs
Policy Officer: Chief Academic Officer

Approved By: Faculty Senate

Approved Date: 1/8/2013

Effective Date: 1/8/2013

Category: Academics


Under College Aged Students Taking Courses at Saint Francis University (excludes College in High School Program and Upward Bound Bridge Students)


  1. Eleventh and twelfth grade students with a 3.0 or higher GPA are permitted to enroll in credit courses at Saint Francis University at the discretion of the director of academic success and retention in consultation with the Adult Degree & Continuing Studies(ADCS) office. Students will be registered through ADCS as non-degree seeking students. A written permission form signed by a parent (guardian) is required and must be submitted to ADCS prior to course registration.
  1. Students below 11th grade interested in enrolling in credit courses at Saint Francis University must seek approval/recommendation from their guidance counselor in which a letter must be submitted to Adult Degree & Continuing Studies (ADCS) prior to additional approvals being obtained. If a student is home schooled, then a letter from the superintendent connected to the home school program is required and must be submitted to ADCS. A written permission form signed by a parent (guardian) is required and must also be submitted to ADCS prior to course registration. In addition, permission to enroll in a particular course is at the discretion of the course instructor. Course selection and academic advising for the student will be provided by the director of academic success and retention in consultation with ADCS. Approved students will be registered through ADCS as non-degree seeking students.

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