Policy Title: Revocation of Driving and Parking Privileges

Responsible Office: University Police
Policy Officer: VP for Finance and Administration
|Faculty |Staff |Student

Approved By: VP/Provost

Approved Date: 7/1/2017

Effective Date: 7/1/2017

Category: Business and Finance


Revocation of Driving and Parking Privileges


For those who have registered their vehicle with the University Police Department:

  • An advisory warning email will be sent to the violator after four (4) points have been placed on the students, faculty, or staff members parking account.
  • A second advisory warning email will be sent to the violator after six (6) points are accumulated, along with a letter to the parents of the student advising of the violations.
  • If the registered vehicle then receives eight (8) points, an email will be sent to the violator advising their parking privileges have been revoked, along with a letter to the students parents explaining their excessive point total.


All vehicle operators/owners who have reached eight (8) points must remove their vehicle from campus immediately:

  • Failure to remove the vehicle from Saint Francis University property will result in the booting of the vehicle or removal of the vehicle from campus by a tow company.
  • The owner/operator of the vehicle will be responsible for the cost of the boot removal and or towing costs. The University Police will additionally charge the sum of $50.00 for violating the Parking Rules and Regulations of the University.
  • Officers reserve the right to directly contact those students or staff who have reached the eight (8) point level and advise them to remove their vehicle from campus immediately. This personal notification will satisfy the email requirement as mentioned above.


The accumulation of eight (8) or more points will result in the revocation of campus driving and parking privileges. Any person who has lost these privileges may not:

  • Drive any vehicle on Saint Francis property
  • Park another vehicle on Saint Francis property

Failure to abide by the above directive will result in a fifty ($50) dollar fine in addition to the booting and or towing of the vehicle. Parking privileges will be restored after the set time has passed.

The Revocation of Driving and Parking Privileges:

  • 1ST Offense: 3 Month Revocation
  • 2nd Offense: 6 Month Revocation
  • 3rd Offense: 12 Month Revocation

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