Policy Title: Parking and Traffic Citations

Responsible Office: University Police
Policy Officer: VP for Finance and Administration
|Faculty |Staff |Student

Approved By: VP/Provost

Approved Date: 7/1/2017

Effective Date: 7/1/2017

Category: Campus Use and Facilities


Campus Parking and Traffic Citations


Parking Citations

Charges Points Rates
No Parking Zone 1 $20
Overnight Parking 1 $20
Reserved Parking Area 1 $25
Parking on Walk/Lawn 1 $25
Parking in Disabled Zone 1 $75
Exceed 15 Minute Flasher Limit 1 $20
Failure to Display Permit 1 $25
Banned from Campus 1 $50
Boot Removal Fee 0 $50

If your vehicle is registered within five days of the issuance of the ticket, the first violation for unregistered vehicle will be withdrawn. Note: parking citations may include several violations. 

Traffic Violations

Charges Points Rates
Stop sign & yield sign 3 $25
Driving vehicle at safe speed 3 $25
Careless Driving 3 $25
Obedience to Authorized Persons 3 $25
Persons riding on vehicles 3 $25
Failure to Yield to Pedestrians 3 $25
Driving on Walk/Lawn 3 $25

Points will be awarded for any parking or traffic violations received. If a parking or traffic violation is appealed, no points will be given until a decision is made by the Parking Appeal Board. If no appeal is requested, one point will be given for all parking violations received and three points for all traffic violations received. It eight (8) or more points are accumulated; University parking/driving privileges will be revoked for a period of 3 months (see: Parking Permit Violations)

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