Policy Title: Parking FAQ's

Responsible Office: University Police
Policy Officer: VP for Finance and Administration
|Faculty |Staff |Student

Approved By: VP/Provost

Approved Date: 7/1/2017

Effective Date: 7/1/2017

Category: Campus Use and Facilities


Common questions and answers regarding parking on campus


Common Parking Questions and Answers

Q: My car broke down outside my hall and I received a ticket during the night. Why did I get the ticket when my car was disabled?

A: You must notify the University Police Department if you experience vehicle problems.

Q: Why did I receive a ticket while other vehicles around me were not ticketed?

A: Vehicles often park for short periods of time and then leave the area. Often registered parkers will park their vehicle after the officer leaves the area.

Q: I was parked on the mall in front of the chapel in order to go to mass. Why did I get a parking ticket when the signs say Chapel Visitors and Disabled Parking?

A: As a student or and employee you are not considered a visitor to the University or the Chapel, therefore you are not allowed to park along the mall to attend mass or to visit the chapel.

Q: I was parked behind my residence hall to unload my car after returning to campus and the 15 minute loading and unloading space was taken. Why did I receive a parking ticket when I was only there for 10 minutes?

A: Due to not parking in the marked loading and unloading spot. If that space is occupied, you need to call University Police and let them know what you are doing.

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