Policy Title: Formal Complaint Procedure

Responsible Office: Human Resources
Policy Officer: VP for Finance and Administration
|Faculty |Staff

Approved By: President's Council

Approved Date: 11/1/2011

Effective Date: 11/1/2011

Category: Faculty and Staff


Saint Francis University recognizes that an employee may occasionally feel that he/she has a complaint in relation to his/her work based upon the non-application, misapplication or inconsistent application of official University policies or procedures. If so, it is in the best interest of both the employee and the University that all such problems be resolved as soon as possible. The procedure that follows provides an opportunity for staff to have their complaints and proposed settlement reviewed by appropriate administrative personnel in a timely manner.

Note: Any complaints that relate to discrimination and/or harassment shall be addressed following the steps outlined in the Non-discrimination Policy and No-Harassment policy complaint procedures..


Saint Francis University recognizes that an employee may occasionally feel that he/she has a complaint in relation to his/her work based upon the non-application, misapplication or inconsistent application of official University policies or procedures. If so, it is in the best interest of both the employee and the University that all such problems be resolved as soon as possible. The procedure that follows provides an opportunity for staff to have their complaints and proposed settlement reviewed by appropriate administrative personnel in a timely manner.  Note:  Any complaints that relate to discrimination and/or harassment shall be addressed following the steps outlined in the Non-discrimination Policy and No-Harassment policy complaint procedures.

Step I:  If possible, a satisfactory solution should be arrived at through informal discussion between the employee and the person against whom he or she has the complaint. If such discussions do not result in a satisfactory solution within fifteen days, the employee may proceed to Step II.

Step II:  The employee will present his/her supervisor, department director or chair (and dean if applicable) with a signed and dated written summary of the complaint. This summary must include (1) a description of the complaint, (2) the official University policy or procedure that has been allegedly violated; (3) the facts upon which the complaint is based; and (4) the employee's proposed settlement. The department director or chair (and dean if applicable) will pursue, with the complainant's consent, whatever avenues he/she deems necessary to effect a satisfactory resolution of the complaint within two (2) working days.

If the complaint involves the employee's supervisor, department director, chair, or dean, he/she will proceed to Step III. If the complaint involves the employee's Vice President, the employee will present his or her complaint to the President, or his designee. The President's decision will be be final.

Each complaint will be carefully reviewed. A written response will be sent to the employee within seven (7) days.

Step III:  If the complaint was not resolved to the complainant's satisfaction in Step II, the employee may appeal the decision of his/her department director or dean to his or her Vice President. This appeal must be filed within fifteen (15) days from the time the response was given or due. The Vice President will investigate the matter and endeavor to arrive at an equitable solution in complaince with official policies and procedures of the University.  A decision will be communicated to the employee within fifteen (15) days. The decision will be final.

All files regarding such formal complaints will be maintained in the Office of the respective Vice President or President (if the complaint involved a Vice President). These files will remain confidential and access limited to only those directly involved in resolving the complaint.


Faculty Senate - 02/20/1990

President's Council - Nov 2011

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