Policy Title: Readmission

Responsible Office: Admissions
Policy Officer: VP for Enrollment Management

Approved By: VP/Provost

Approved Date: 11/30/2017

Effective Date: 11/30/2017

Category: Student




Students previously in attendance at Saint Francis University who have interrupted their studies for financial or personal reasons do not need to submit another undergraduate admission application. However, they do need to contact the Office of Admissions for the reactivation of their credentials. The Office of Admissions will process their request for readmission through the Chief Academic Officer, the Vice President for Student Development, and the appropriate academic department chair.

Students who are academically dismissed from the University may not reapply for admission for at least one calendar year, at which time the Academic Standing Committee will determine whether readmission is granted or not.

Students who have attended another institution in the interim will need to submit an official transcript from the institution in which they have enrolled, be in good academic standing at that institution, and submit the University Clearance Form.

Students who are readmitted to Saint Francis University, either in their original major or a new major, will be governed by the degree requirements as stated in the University's catalog in effect at the time of readmission. Readmitted students will be assigned their former departmental advisors for scheduling purposes where appropriate.

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