Policy Title: Application Procedures for Transfer Admission

Responsible Office: Admissions
Policy Officer: VP for Enrollment Management

Approved By: VP/Provost

Approved Date: 11/30/2017

Effective Date: 11/30/2017

Category: Student


Application Procedures for Transfer Admission


Saint Francis University has a flexible transfer policy for students transferring from accredited colleges and universities.The university operates on a rolling admission basis and admits transfer students for the fall and spring semesters.A complete application for admission consists of:

  1. The Application for Admission. Saint Francis University provides three options:
    1. Complete on-line at www.francis.edu (fee waived)
    2. Submit Common Application at www.commonapp.org (fee waived)
    3. Contact Office of Admissions to receive a paper application ($30 non-refundable application fee. Saint Francis University does participate in the College Board Fee Waiver Program.)
  2. Submit official transcripts from all colleges or universities previously attended.
  3. Candidates who have left an institution for reasons other than graduation must complete a College Clearance Form (provided by Saint Francis University) at the time of application.
  4. SAT I or ACT scores. Score must be part of the official high school transcript or sent directly from the testing agency(SAT code #2797 or ACT code #3682).Visit www.collegeboard.org or www.actstudent.org for more information. Candidates who have been out of high school for five or more years or have graduated from a college or university are not required to submit SAT or ACT results.
  5. One letter of recommendation
  6. Candidates for the Nursing and Physical Therapy programs are required to complete an interview with the respective department.

Documents received by Saint Francis University become the property of the University and will not be returned to students. Copies of the documents will be made only for internal University business.

Transfer Admission Requirements

A candidate for transfer admission should have earned minimum of 12 transferable credits and a 2.0 Q.P.A. to be considered for admission to the University. Meeting the minimum Q.P.A. does not guarantee admission to all academic programs. The Nursingand Physical Therapy programs can accept students on a space available basis. To be considered for admission into those programs, competitive applicants should have a minimum Q.P.A. of a3.0. Students transferring into the nursing programmust also have a 2.75Q.P.A.in required science courses.

Acceptance of Transfer Credit

Transfer students will receive an official credit evaluation after an offer of admission has been made. A preliminary evaluation, even before application, may be requested.Changes in the transfer evaluation will not be made after the student has completed one semester at Saint Francis University.

Transfer credits will be evaluated on a course-by-course basis. A maximum of 64 credits can be transferred to the University.

A course for which no credit is given at the original institution cannot be transferred for credit at Saint Francis University; developmental, review or remedial courses are not transferrable.

Only courses with a grade of "C" or better will be approved for transfer, however, courses that were graded a C-minus and carried two quality points are acceptable.

Transfer credits are not used in the computation of a student's cumulative quality point average at Saint Francis University.

Students may transfer up to six credits of Religious Studies at the original time of transfer, but three of those must be from another Catholic college. Except by permission of the appropriate department chair, RLST 105 and RLST 205 must be completed at Saint Francis.

Students who, upon admission, transfer 28 or more credits including a two-semester, six-credit sequence in college-level English composition classes (excluding Placement and CLEP credits) will be exempt from ENGL 103.

Military credit may also be considered for transfer credit.

The Provost resolves any questions regarding transfer policy.

Degree Completion Requirements

Candidates for the Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Science degrees must fulfill appropriate degree requirements. At least64credits of study must be completed at Saint Francis University for a student to be eligible for a bachelor's degree, except those students studying for a second bachelor's degree, selected non-traditional degrees through the office of Adult Degree and Continuing Studies, or a teaching certificate. The last30of those credits must be taken at Saint Francis University.

Students are required to follow the course curriculum as stated in the Saint Francis University catalog in effect at the time of the student's entrance into the University or when the student declares a major. A student who wishes to follow a curriculum in its entirety, adopted after that time, must file a Policy Waiver Request Form available at the Registrar's Office. A student wishing to follow parts of both the old curriculum and the new curriculum must file a Course Waiver/Substitution Form for each new curriculum course.

Once a student has matriculated at Saint Francis University, all courses in the major must be completed at Saint Francis University. Likewise, it is expected that all collateral courses will be completed at Saint Francis University. Applications for exception may be directed to the Registrar.

Students who matriculate at Saint Francis University with credits from other institutions must complete at least half of the total credits in the major discipline at Saint Francis University. Department chairs will decide which specific courses will be required.

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