Policy Title: Investigation

Responsible Office: Student Development
Policy Officer: VP for Student Development

Approved By: VP/Provost

Approved Date: 7/1/2017

Effective Date: 7/1/2017

Category: Student


Student Conduct Process:  Investigation


The Title IX Coordinator (or designee) will appoint an investigator(s) for any complaint that falls under Title IX (e.g. sexual misconduct) or involves any other form of discrimination. The Associate Dean of Students may appoint an investigator(s) if applicable for other allegation under this Code.

The Investigator will conduct an investigation to:

  • identify the nature of the complaint
  • identify a complete list of all policies that may have been violated
  • determine if there is reasonable cause to charge the accused student

At the conclusion of the investigation, the University may decide to not further adjudicate a complaint based on the following reasons:

  • there is insufficient evidence
  • the behavior alleged, even if proven would not violate the Code of Student Conduct
  • for reasons such as mistaken identity.

The accusing party, if any, will be notified in this event. The accusing party, if any, may request that the Title IX Coordinator and/or Associate Dean of Students, as applicable, re-open the investigation or convene an Incident Review Hearing. The decision to re-open an investigation or convene a hearing rests solely on the discretion of the Title IX Coordinator or the Associate Dean of Students in cases such as this. The Investigator will deliver his/her investigative report to the Title IX Coordinator (when appropriate) and /or the Associate Dean of Students (or designee).

Incidents involving students, who are accused of violating the Code of Student Conduct, will be reviewed. For incidents that warrant action, the Associate Dean of Students (or designee) and/or the Title IX Coordinator will appoint a Hearing Officer. In many cases, the Investigator may also serve as the Hearing Officer.

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