Policy Title: Residence Halls: Prohibited and Restricted Items

Responsible Office: Residence Life
Policy Officer: VP for Student Development

Approved By: VP/Provost

Approved Date: 7/1/2017

Effective Date: 6/26/2019

Category: Student


Hazardous Substances


Furniture and Room Personalization

Decorations and Displays


Prohibited and Restricted Items

To ensure the safety of everyone in the residence facilities, we cannot allow you to have some items in your room/HATP unit or in the building. Residence Life staff will ask residents to remove dangerous or prohibited items from their rooms/HATP units if it is appropriate to do so. If a resident fails to comply, the RLC will confiscate the item. During Health and Safety inspections, University officials may confiscate prohibited appliances or items including, but not limited to, those listed below. If you have questions about particular appliances not listed below, please contact the Office of Residence Life.

Hazardous Substances

Electrical appliances. Appliances that are permitted in the residence facilities must be Underwriter Laboratory (UL) listed, equipped with thermostatic controls when appropriate and rated at 1000 watts or less. These items can include:

  • Computer equipment
  • Electric blankets
  • Surge protector strips with 14-gauge wire at the minimum
  • Extension cords are allowed but cannot exceed ten feet in length
  • Fans
  • Hair dryers and other hair styling appliances with an automatic/timed shut off
  • Coffee makers with an automatic/timed shut off
  • Iron with an automatic/timed shut off
  • Microwaves
  • Refrigerators (three cubic feet in size or smaller with no locking mechanism)
  • Televisions
  • DVD, Blue-ray, etc.

Prohibited Items. For health, safety and insurance liability reasons, residents are prohibited from having the following items in their residence facilities and rooms/HATP unit:

  • Antennas, satellite dishes or wires extending outside room/HATP unit windows
  • Flammable liquids and other similar materials, except for sealed containers not exceeding eight-ounce capacity
  • Open-coil appliances and heaters, including, but not limited to:
    • Immersion coils
    • Pottery water-warmers
    • Toaster ovens
    • Hot plates
    • Stoves
    • Indoor grills
    • Exposed burners (including popcorn poppers without self-contained heating units)
    • Large power tools
  • Fire/open flame materials or high-heat producing devices, including, but not limited to:
    • Burning candles or decorative candles with wicks 
    • Incense burners
    • Camping stoves
    • Charcoal and propane grills
    • Sunlamps
    • Fireworks
  • Waterbeds
  • Mopeds, motorcycles and other similar vehicles


Pets. At no time are animals, except for fish in fish bowls not to exceed five gallons, allowed in the residence facilities or apartments. This includes birds, hamsters, laboratory specimens, and your guest's pets. When a violation occurs, public health regulations may require sanitation, disease control procedures, and deodorization, for which the violator will be charged as well as referred to the University judicial process. Dogs trained and certified to assist the visually or hearing impaired or people with other medical conditions may be exempt from this policy. SFU-approved emotional support animals are exempt from this policy. Consult the Office of Residence Life prior to bringing a service or emotional support animal into any facility/HATP unit.

Furniture and Room/HATP Unit Personalization

Furniture. Rooms/HATP units are furnished with a bed, mattress, dresser, desk and chair. All furniture assigned to a student's room/HATP unit must remain in the room/HATP unit assigned to said student. No furniture should be removed by students from their rooms/HATP units, and the University does not provide storage for room/HATP unit furniture. Dressers and desks may not be stacked or put into closets. Removal of any piece of residence facility furniture from a public area will result in a monetary fine and community living sanctions.

Room/HATP Unit Personalization. Stickers should not be put onto doors. Holes should not be made in doors, walls or furniture. No beds or furniture may be hung from the ceiling or other parts of the ceiling.

Bunks and Loft Kits. Students may only loft and bunk their beds with kits provided by the University. The prohibited lofts include wood and concrete blocks, bed lofts purchased for residential beds, and miscellaneous materials. For modular furniture that has pieces to loft, the bed or loft arrangement may not be placed in front of the windows. Students may not loft or raise their bed using any other furniture such as desks, wardrobes, etc. No bed risers are permitted; all legs of the bed must be touching the floor.

Decorations / Displays

Banners and Flags. Nothing is permitted to be hung on the exterior of the residence facilities. Banners and flags may be hung on the interior of the building in common areas such as lounges and lobbies with approval from the Office of Residence Life.


Bicycles. Bicycles are a great way to get around campus. If you have a bike, please remember to park in bike racks around campus. Bikes should be chained only to a bike rack and may not be kept in hallways, stairways or other public areas inside the residence facilities. All bicycles must be legally parked or they will be confiscated. During the winter months, bicycles can be stored in the residence facility storage areas or students' rooms/HATP units, but not in hallways or stairwells.

Hover Boards. Hover boards are not permitted inside any campus buildings, including residence facilities, houses, apartments and townhouses that are owned or operated by Saint Francis University. Storing, charging or using hover boards inside any University property is prohibited.


Approved by President's Council 6/26/19

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