Policy Title: Emeritus or Emerita

Responsible Office: Academic Affairs
Policy Officer: Chief Academic Officer

Approved By: Faculty Senate

Approved Date: 11/14/2014

Effective Date: 11/14/2014

Category: Faculty and Staff


Emeritus or Emerita


The titles of Professor Emeritus or Emerita are accorded by the Board of Trustees upon the nomination of the President to recognize and show appreciation to persons who have retired after twenty or more years of distinguished full-time service to Saint Francis University.

The University encourages the continued presence and participation of its Professors Emeriti in the life of the campus.The following benefits will be awarded to foster such relationships, i.e., a faculty identification card, library privileges, University publications, invitations to University-sponsored, special events and commencements, and non-voting participation at faculty meetings. 

The process for a professor or associate professor to be named Emeritus or Emerita involves the respective school dean making a recommendation to the Chief Academic Officer by January 15. 

Faculty rank, once granted, cannot be revoked in the case of a person who remains at the University except by mutual consent of the person and the University.


Faculty Senate 01/30/1990; 02/10/2009; 09/18/2009; 11/14/2014


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