Policy Title: Employee Assistance Program

Responsible Office: Human Resources
Policy Officer: VP for Finance and Administration
|Faculty |Staff

Approved By: President's Council

Approved Date: 11/1/2011

Effective Date: 11/1/2011

Category: Faculty and Staff


Employee Assistance Program


Saint Francis University provides an Employee Assistance Program for all employees and their families. The program is administered through ComPsych. An EAP is a job-based program with the goal of assisting employees in achieving and maintaining happy, healthy and fully productive lives both on and off the job. The EAP can help with such problems as personal and family stress, alcohol and drug problems, relationship difficulties, emotional problems, financial and legal advice, job stress and job interpersonal interaction problems. Through employee seminars and individual counseling, the EAP can also assist with the prevention of problems by focusing on lifestyle planning, stress management, proper nutrition, weight control and exercise programs.

EAP services are available 24-hours-a-day, seven-days-a-week and are very confidential. Appointments are scheduled at locations either at or away from the workplace at convenient times. No information is released to anyone without an employee's signed consent.

Up to three counseling sessions are provided free of charge. If extended counseling is required, employees or their family members will be referred to appropriate resources. Psychological services are partially covered by the Saint Francis University employee health benefit program. Costs incurred for services not covered by insurance or other benefits are the responsibility of the employee. An effort will be made to make a referral within the individual's financial means.

If a supervisor recognizes that an employee is having personal difficulties that are interfering with his/her job performance, the supervisor may provide information to the employee regarding the availability of the Saint Francis University EAP. Although a supervisor may advise an employee whose job performance is impaired to contact the EAP, the supervisor should not attempt to diagnose or assess personal difficulties that may contribute to poor job performance. Supervisors are encouraged to contact Human Resources for guidance.

To access the ComPsych EAP, call 1-800-311-4327 or guidanceresources.com Web ID: GEN311

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