Policy Title: Recruitment Philosophy, Policy, and Procedures

Responsible Office: Human Resources
Policy Officer: VP for Finance and Administration
|Faculty |Staff

Approved By: President's Council

Approved Date: 8/22/2018

Effective Date: 8/22/2018

Category: Faculty and Staff


Recruitment Philosophy, Policy, and Procedures


Recruitment Philosophy - Hiring for Mission at Saint Francis University

Individuals who apply for employment at Saint Francis University are choosing to put themselves forward as potential members of the Saint Francis community. They are beginning to imagine what their future could hold should they work as partners for the advancement of the University's mission in Catholic higher education.

For these reasons, the University takes seriously the responsibility to articulate its mission and values in a clear manner for applicants who have been invited to campus to interview for a position. Applicants are invited to respond thoughtfully to its mission and values, demonstrating how they understand them and how they might support them. This process is meant to assist the applicants in discerning whether employment at Saint Francis University would be a good fit for them.

It follows that the hiring process at Saint Francis University at all levels should include meaningful conversations about mission and values, both out of courtesy and concern for the applicants and in service to the University.

Hiring Procedures

Since the addition of new staff and faculty is an important institutional decision to be made at Saint Francis University, the search process must be thorough, equitable, and smoothly executed. The following procedures will apply to filling all full-time vacancies. (Please refer to 3.14 "personnel requests" for procedures for requesting replacement of vacancies or requesting new positions.)

A personnel requisition form (available on the local web or from Human Resources) must be completed by the hiring supervisor for all requests to fill vacant or new positions (in accordance with the policy on personnel requests). Once a position has been authorized to be filled, Human Resources will then initiate recruitment activities.

Search Committee

The hiring supervisor will meet with his or her chief administrative officer to discuss the composition of the search committee. Search committees are used to solicit the input of a variety of university constituents whose participation will be beneficial in the selection process. As much as possible, the composition of the committee should represent various gender, race, age, and interest groups. Although it is ultimately the responsibility of the chief administrative officer to recommend a candidate for appointment, search committees will be used in a screening/advisory capacity.

Search committee members will review the files of applicants. Because of the role that search committees play in representing the University, members must be well-versed in the mission and goals of the University, as well as aspects of the position, the coordinating relations, and the role of the department within the University. Likewise, committee members must be aware of the legal aspects of interviewing. The hiring supervisor will meet with the Employment and Development Specialist or designee prior to interviewing candidates to ensure an appropriate understanding of interviewing procedures and to discuss guidelines on the legal aspects of interviewing as well as compliance with all employment laws that affect hiring. It is most important that interviews be conducted in a manner that is lawful as well as consistent and fair to all candidates.


Positions will be advertised by Human Resources internally, and if appropriate, externally. Appropriate steps shall be taken to enhance inclusion of appropriately qualified, under-represented groups in the applicant pool.

Applicant Process

All candidates will complete an on-line employment application and submit materials electronically. Human Resources will acknowledge all applicants for position openings through email or written format and inform them of the next steps in the search process, to include communication either verbal or in writing to them from the search committee. All application material will be made available on the local network to the hiring supervisor for review and consideration.

Equal Opportunity / Affirmative Action

Saint Francis University is committed to equal education and employment opportunities for all, without regard to gender, age, race, color, ethnicity, religion, sexual orientation, marital status, disability, veteran status, or any protected classification unrelated to performance in the position. In an attempt to attract qualified individuals from diverse and under-represented groups, hiring supervisors and search committees are instructed to recall the following needs when filling vacancies:

  • The strong institutional preference to achieve a diverse pool of applicants to be interviewed including under-represented groups.
  • The institutional commitment to provide role models to all students.
  • While consideration of internal staff for vacancies is encouraged, preferential consideration will be not given. A final candidate will be selected based solely upon his/her qualifications, experience, and suitability for a position.


From the applicant pool, the hiring supervisor and search committee will select candidates to be interviewed. Internal candidates are given equitable, but not preferential consideration. The hiring supervisor, in consultation with the chief administrative officer, will make arrangements for finalists to visit campus. While visiting campus, finalists will ordinarily meet with the hiring supervisor, the search committee, a representative from Human Resources and others as appropriate. Each candidate interviewed will be asked to complete an employment application (if not previously completed) and Criminal Background Check release form provided by Human Resources.

When an applicant is granted an interview she or he shall be provided with the University's mission statement and its Goals of Franciscan Higher Education (found in this handbook) and will be invited to reflect upon them at their interview. Questions to consider:

  • At Saint Francis University, every member of the community has a role in advancing our mission. You have carefully reviewed the Universitys statement of mission and identity. How would you support the Christian, Catholic, and Franciscan mission of Saint Francis University?
  • Based upon the documents which have been provided to you, do you have any reservations about serving at a Catholic institution with the mission and values of Saint Francis University?
  • How do the Franciscan values of Saint Francis University align with your personal values? Which of these values resonate most deeply with you? Give an example or two.

Those applying for positions on the teaching faculty and/or for senior administrative and/or staff positions (including but not limited to director, deans, vice-president and president) will also be interviewed by the President and/or his designee.  They will be provided with all candidate plus all documents regarding academic freedom and the Catholic Intellectual Tradition, etc.

Reference and credential verification

During the interview process, candidates will be instructed by the chairperson of the hiring supervisor (if not instructed in the position announcement) to provide all appropriate transcripts. All transcripts should be sent directly to Human Resources. Before a recommendation to hire is made, the hiring supervisor will ensure that the appropriate credentials (official transcripts of work completed at undergraduate and graduate institutions or terminal degree) have been received and reviewed. The hiring supervisor will consult with the chief administrative officer about reference and previous employment verification. Under usual circumstances, the hiring supervisor or members of the search committee shall verify the references of candidates.

Recommendation for Hire

Once individuals have been interviewed for the position and references, credentials, and criminal history have been reviewed, the hiring supervisor will communicate to the chief administrative officer the person recommended for hire. The recommendation must include the candidate's name, credentials as they relate to the position, and a brief rationale for the recommendation. The chief administrative officer, upon endorsement, will forward a recommendation for appointment to the President. Upon approval of the chief administrative officer's recommendation, the hiring supervisor will complete a New Hire Form, including all employment terms and send it to the Director of Human Resources, who will prepare an appointment letter to be signed by the President. All terms and conditions of employment shall be in writing.

For all full-time faculty and all full-time administrators and/or staff at the director level and higher, the chief administrative officer will send the final round of candidates to the President for him and/or his designee to conduct an interview as part of the final round of the interview process.  Upon completion of this interview, the President will provide feedback to the chief administrative officer.  If no candidates are approved by the President, the search will continue.  Once a final individual has been approved for appointment by the President, the chief administrative officer will notify the hiring supervisor to complete a new hire form, including all employment terms and send it to the Director of Human Resources, who will prepare an appointment letter to be signed by the President.  All terms and conditions of employment shall be in writing.

Notification of Unsuccessful Candidates

The hiring supervisor will notify all unsuccessful candidates who were interviewed either verbally or in writing. Human Resources will notify applicants through email or written format and inform them of the closure of the search.

Disposition of Credentials / Interview Files

All interview files, including transcripts/credentials will be electronically maintained for a period of at least one year. Any hard copies made by search committee shall be shredded and disposed by the search committee.

Approved by the Faculty Senate April 13, 1993

Revised and reaffirmed by the Presidents Council - March 2012; August 22, 2018


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