Policy Title: General Principle and Guidelines

Responsible Office: Human Resources
Policy Officer: VP for Finance and Administration
|Faculty |Staff

Approved By: President's Council

Approved Date: 11/1/2011

Effective Date: 11/1/2011

Category: Faculty and Staff


As members of the Saint Francis University community, all officers, trustees, faculty, staff, and students are responsible for conducting themselves with the highest ethical standards


General Principles and Guidelines

Purpose and Intent

The University's Code of Ethics is a statement of the University's commitment to upholding the ethical, professional and legal standards used as the basis for its daily and long-term decisions and actions. Each community member is individually accountable for his/her own actions and, as such, are accountable for upholding these standards of behavior and for compliance with all applicable laws and regulations.

This Code of Ethics describes the standards that guide members of the campus community in daily University activities. In many cases these standards are already found in existing University policies. A key purpose of the Code of Ethics is to commit all applicable standards to writing and to ensure that they are understood and followed by the community. It is the responsibility of all members of the community to read the Code of Ethics and to disclose potential or actual conflicts of interest (See 2.3).  Chief administrative officers are responsible for promoting the understanding of and compliance with the Code of Ethics.


As members of the Saint Francis University community, all officers, trustees, faculty, staff, and students are responsible for conducting themselves with the highest ethical standards. As a Franciscan institution and in accordance with its mission statement, the University fosters values such as humility and generosity toward learning, respect, understanding of ethical issues, and reverence for all life.  The University believes these are values to be lived and strives to integrate these values into its teaching, scholarship, business practices, and daily interactions among all members of the campus community. The necessary relationships that have evolved with outside entities, including but not limited to governmental agencies, community groups and business firms, require that persons representing the University conduct themselves in the spirit of Saint Francis of Assisi and in a manner supporting its core values and guiding principles.


This Code applies to the following members of the Saint Francis Community:

  • Individuals who have an employment relationship with Saint Francis whether full-time or part-time including faculty, staff and students;
  • Members of the Board of Trustees;
  • Consultants, vendors and contractors which have an on-going business relationship with Saint Francis; and
  • Individuals who perform services for Saint Francis as volunteers.

The Saint Francis student body is required to abide by the Student Code of Conduct (student expectations and responsibilities) which is distributed by the Office of the Vice-President for Student Development.

Commitment to Integrity and Ethical Conduct

Saint Francis University is committed to maintaining a reputation for the highest ethical and professional standards of conduct. Each member of the University community is expected to commit to honesty and integrity in their work, accept personal responsibility for their actions, exercise high ethical standards in their personal and professional lives, and demonstrate compassion towards all. Each individual is expected to conduct University business transactions with the utmost honesty, accuracy and fairness. Each situation needs to be examined in accordance with this standard. No unethical practice can be tolerated.

Fiduciary Responsibility

Members of the Board of Trustees, officers, and staff of Saint Francis University serve a public interest role and thus have a clear obligation to conduct all affairs of the University in a manner consistent with this concept. All decisions of the Board of Trustees and officers of the University are to be made solely on the basis of a desire to promote the best interests of the University and the public good.

Institutional Compliance with the Higher Education Act of 2008

No Saint Francis University employee, trustee, or other constituent shall use funds provided under the Higher Education Act of 2008 (HEA) to attempt to influence a member of Congress in connection with any federal grant, contract, loan, or cooperative agreement.  No student aid funding provided under HEA shall be used to hire a registered lobbyist or to pay for securing an earmark.

Approved  by the President's Council - November 2011

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