Title: Grade Appeals

Responsible Office: Academic Affairs
Policy Administrator: Chief Academic Officer

Approved By: Office of the President

Approved Date: 7/17/2017

Effective Date: 7/17/2017

Category: Academics


The goal of this grade appeal policy is to establish a clear, fair process by which students can contest a course grade that they believe has been awarded in a manner inconsistent with university policies or that has resulted from calculation errors on the part of the instructor. 





If a student wishes to question or appeal a grade, the student will, prior to the sixth week of the subsequent fall or spring semester:

  1. Contact the instructor for an explanation of the grade determination. The instructor of the course will review how the grade was determined. If a grade change is warranted, instructor will complete and submit a grade change request.
  2. If not satisfied with the grade and explanation, the student will then appeal to the department chairperson or director of the academic program sponsoring the course. The chairperson/director will review the grade determination with the course instructor, and then meet with the student to explain the outcome of the appeal. Some departments/programs have published appeal policies that must be followed.
  3. A student who remains unsatisfied with the results of the appeal must, prior to the end of the sixth week of the subsequent Fall or Spring semester, submit a letter of appeal to the appropriate dean. The letter must include a summary of the meetings with the instructor and the appeal results, as well as a rationale for the appeal. After discussing the appeal with the instructor and the department chairperson/program director, the dean will meet with the student to explain the final decision. In cases where the dean is the course instructor, the Chief Academic Officer will review the final appeal.

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