Title: General Requirements for Graduation

Responsible Office: Academic Affairs
Policy Administrator: Chief Academic Officer

Approved By: Office of the President

Approved Date: 7/17/2017

Effective Date: 7/17/2017

Category: Academics


Policy regarding the general requiremnets for graduation


The Bachelor of Arts and the Bachelor of Science degrees are conferred by the University only at commencement. The program of study leading to each degree is usually completed in eight semesters of full-time enrollment. To qualify for graduation, a student must have followed a program of study approved by the Chief Academic Officer, completed a total of at least 128 credits, and have repeated for an acceptable grade any course in the major field in which the grade of "F" has been received.

Students are required to follow the course curricula as stated in the Saint Francis University catalog in effect at the time of the student's entrance into the University or when the student declares a major. A student who wishes to follow a curriculum, in its entirety, adopted after that time, must file a Policy Waiver Request Form available at the Registrar's Office. A student wishing to follow parts of both the old curriculum and the new curriculum must file a Course Waiver Substitution Form for each new course.

A candidate for any degree must complete the last 30 credits at Saint Francis University. Upon the recommendation of the appropriate department chair, specific individual cases requesting a waiver of this regulation may be given consideration by the Chief Academic Officer.

Every candidate for a degree must make formal application for the degree at least one semester before the graduation date. Proper completion of the official Application for Degree form, obtainable on My.Francis student portal, constitutes formal application.

Candidates for a degree must be present at the annual commencement exercises to receive their diplomas in person. To participate in commencement, a student must have completed all requirements for the appropriate degree or, if the student is within six (6) credits of completing degree requirements (or within two courses of completing degree requirements, not exceeding eight credits) and has at least a 2.0 cumulative and major quality point average, must apply in writing to the Registrar for permission to attend commencement ceremonies. Permission to participate in commencement exercises may be granted if the student is able to demonstrate that the remaining credits will be completed during the subsequent summer session(s).

The requirements for a baccalaureate degree are completion of 128 or more credits (as outlined in the catalog) with a cumulative G.P.A. of 2.00 or better in all courses taken at Saint Francis University, and a cumulative G.P.A. of 2.00 or better in all major and collateral requirements, and fulfillment of General Education: Ethical Citizenship for the 21st Century requirements.

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