Title: Credit by Examination

Responsible Office: Academic Affairs
Policy Administrator: Chief Academic Officer

Approved By: President's Council

Approved Date: 7/17/2017

Effective Date: 7/17/2017

Category: Academics


Students may receive credit for a Saint Francis University course by taking an examination in place of the actual course.


Arrangements for taking an examination may be made by contacting the Center for Academic Success. Examinations are administered on a rotating basis. The cost for one CLEP examination is $80.00, payable to the College-Level Examination Program. A non-refundable service fee of $20.00 is charged and payable to Saint Francis University. Saint Francis University test center code number is 2797. More information regarding CLEP is available at  the Center for Academic Success, St. Francis Hall.

CLEP Examinations Approved by Saint Francis University


CLEP Examination

Corresponding Course at Saint Francis



Accounting, Financial

ACCT 101 Financial Accounting 



American Government

PLSC 102, American Government 



Analyzing & Interpreting Literature

ENGL 104 - Introduction to Literature  



Biology, General

BIOL 101, General Biology 



Business Law, Introductory

BLAW 301, Legal Environ of Business 




MATH 121 - Calculus with Analytic Geometry IMATH 122 - Calculus with Analytic Geometry II 




CHEM 103, Human Chemistry 



Educational Psychology, Introduction 

EDUC 210, Educational Psychology 



French Language
German Language
Spanish Language

Can receive up to 12 credits in French.
German and/or Spanish at SFU, depending upon the score of the Elementary and Intermediate levels



History of the United States I: Early Colonizations to 1877 (subject and essay) +

HIST 103, The U.S. to 1877 



History of the United States II: 1865 to the Present (subject and essay) +

HIST 104, The U.S. Since 1877 



Information Systems and Computer Applications

CPSC 101, Introduction to Comp Systems 



Macroeconomics, Principles of

ECON 101, Principles I 



Marketing, Principles of

MKTG 302, Marketing 



Management, Principles of

MGMT 101, Principles 



Microeconomics, Principles of

ECON 102, Principles II 




MATH 110, Precalculus 



Psychology, Introductory

PSYC 101, Introduction to Psychology 



Sociology, Introductory

SOC 101, Introduction to Sociology 



Western Civilization I:  Ancient Near East to 1648 (subject and essay) +1

HIST 101, Europe and the World to 1815 



Western Civilization II:  1648 to the Present (subject and essay) +2

HIST 102, Europe and the World Since 1815 







+ Exam can be taken a maximum of two times
1 Essay covers material from 1500 to 1815.
2 Essay covers material from 1815 onward.




Certain Subject CLEP (College-Level Examination Program) examinations, which have been approved by the appropriate department chair, are recognized for the purpose of course fulfillment and credit at Saint Francis University and are administered by the Center for Academic Success in St. Francis Hall.  Any individual is eligible to take a CLEP examination.  An individual who achieves a qualifying score on a particular examination will receive credit for the course corresponding to that examination. In the absence of local norms, the recommendations of the Center for Academic Success will be followed in determining a satisfactory score. The optional essay section of the CLEP is required by the history department at Saint Francis University.

Courses satisfied by means of the CLEP will be listed in a student's file and total credits earned will be recorded on a student's transcript under the heading "Credit-by- Examination." Taking the CLEP will not affect a student's option for P-F grades in that the student will still be entitled to the maximum number of P-F course grades allowable. A student may fulfill a maximum of 30 credits by means of Advanced Placement and/or College Level Examination Program examinations for a bachelor's degree and 15 credits for an associate's degree. A student may substitute a free elective in place of a course requirement satisfied by examination and a student who satisfies a course requirement by examination will not be charged tuition for that course.

A student will not be entitled to receive credit for a lower-level course after having taken a higher-level course. This holds true even if the student has failed the higher-level course. For example, a student who has taken Spanish 201 cannot receive CLEP credit for Spanish 102


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