Title: Minimum Computing Standards

Responsible Office: IT Services
Policy Administrator: VP for Finance and Administration
|Faculty |Student

Approved By: President's Council

Approved Date: 5/5/2021

Effective Date: 5/5/2021

Category: Institutional


Saint Francis University requires that all students in undergraduate and graduate academic programs have a notebook/laptop computer that meets or exceeds the listed requirements.



Saint Francis University requires that all students in undergraduate and graduate academic programs have a notebook/laptop computer that meets or exceeds the listed requirements. This computer is essential for use in completing research, taking exams, and performing academic and communications tasks. You can purchase a new computer or use a computer you already own, provided it meets the minimum specifications below. Writing tablets, Chromebooks, iPads, and similar devices currently do not meet the requirements of the standard

The University supports both Mac and PC (Windows) computer platforms for student use.


Macintosh Minimum Requirements*

PC/Windows Minimum Requirements*

Processor 4th Generation Intel Core i5 (Any Mac from 2013 or newer) 4th Generation Intel Core i5 or AMD Ryzen 5
Operating System OS X 10.14 (Mojave), fully updated with firewall enabled Windows 10 Home or Professional, fully updated with firewall enabled
Hard Drive (SDD) 256 GB Solid State Drive 256 GB Solid State Drive
Anti-Virus Software Enabled and Up-to-Date Enabled and Up-to-Date
Networking Hardware 802.11n Wireless Network Card 802.11n Wireless Network Card
Video Card Integrated Graphics Card Integrated Graphics Card
Audio/Visual Functional Webcam and Microphone Functional Webcam and Microphone












Please note that some academic programs, such as computer science and engineering, may have higher minimum standards for incoming students. Students should consult with their advisor to ensure that the general standards are sufficient for their program.

APPROVAL: President's Council: 05-05-2021

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