Title: Student Care Teams

Responsible Office: Student Development
Policy Administrator: VP for Student Development

Approved By: VP/Provost

Approved Date: 8/1/2018

Effective Date: 8/1/2018

Category: Institutional


Information on Student Care Teams at SFU:

Student Academic Team - SAT

Behavioral Intervention Team - BIT

Threat Assessment Team - TAT

Emergency Response Team - ERT


The care of our student is always the highest priority at Saint Francis University. It is no easy task to balance an open and welcoming community with predictive and preventative threat management best practices. We invest a tremendous amount of time and money in trying to ensure your safety. We have established four primary teams of employees who meet and track concerns in regards to students, employees and the University community.

SAT - Student Academic Team:  This team meets weekly; it is centered around academic performance. This is where a faculty member would forward their concerns may be for a student who is not doing well on tests or assignments or if a student is missing classes. We review any other concerns a team member might have for the student and discuss a game plan to reach out to the student to provide resources to help them get back on track. Many times the poor performance in the classroom has underlying issues that we investigate and address as well.

BIT - Behavior Intervention Team: This team of employees focuses on those students who are having difficulties that may start to influence their behavior. We gather data from the community and try to identify these students and reach out to them and often sit down and discuss the events of their lives and help connect them to the resources they need. A multi-faceted approach is used to assist them with prioritizing and focusing on the most important issues at hand. Physical health, mental health, academics, athletics, and relationships are all topics commonly discussed. We analyze this data using objective rubrics, tools, and assessments. We intervene and follow up based on the level of risk resulting from the assessment process. This is an on-going and circular process that assesses any interventions based on their effectiveness, new data, and evaluation of risk.

TAT - Threat Assessment Team: This team is a highly responsive team that is able to quickly gather information to determine the level of threat to the campus and promptly take action to mitigate all threats. A very systematic approach is used that measures the person's behavior or comments. If it is determined that a threat is present, it is categorized into one of three areas; distress, disturbance or dysregulation. Proper actions are taken by SFU administration or Police to stop the threat and protect the campus.

ERT - Emergency Response Team: This team operates out of the University Police Department and can be responding to anything from weather, natural disaster, or acts of self-harm or aggression. Team members outside of the Police Department vary depending on the type of emergency or severity. RAVE alert is a major component of our emergency notification process, and everyone signed up to receive the alerts will be notified in every emergency; what the emergency is, where it is, and what they need to do in order to protect themselves.


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