Title: Leaves of Absence without Pay

Responsible Office: Academic Affairs
Policy Administrator: Chief Academic Officer

Approved By: Office of the President

Approved Date: 5/9/2016

Effective Date: 5/9/2016

Category: Faculty and Staff


Leaves of Absence without Pay


Full-time faculty members may apply for a personal leave of absence not to exceed two years in length. Leaves of absence may be granted to tenured and non-tenured faculty members for special purposes such as extended maternity leave, continuation of graduate study, research funded by grants, or some other reason deemed appropriate by the Chief Academic Officer. 

Personal leaves of absence will be granted at the discretion of the University. Each request for a leave of absence will be reviewed on its own merit. Areas of primary consideration will be the personnel requirements of the University, the reason for the leave, the length of time requested, and length of service.

Requests for leaves of absence will be made, in writing and submitted to the faculty members immediate supervisor a minimum of two weeks prior to the date the leave is to begin, providing this notice is possible. The Chief Academic Officer will submit the request to the president for disposition. The faculty member will be advised in writing of the action taken.

Personal leaves shall be without pay and shall not be computed as service time for any purposes including rank, tenure, sabbatical, benefits, or salary increment. Faculty returning shall be reinstated at their previous rank and salary. Any individual granted a personal leave of absence must give notice of intent to return sufficiently in advance of planning for the semester in which the faculty member will be returning, i.e., December 1 for fall semester return and June 1 for spring semester return.

Faculty members on leave may, at their discretion, pay full premiums at the group rate to continue any contractual benefits, including health insurance coverage. Leaves for military service are governed by federal guidelines. For more information, contact Human Resources.


Faculty Senate May 9, 2016

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