Title: Personnel Records

Responsible Office: Human Resources
Policy Administrator: VP for Finance and Administration
|Faculty |Staff

Approved By: President's Council

Approved Date: 11/1/2011

Effective Date: 11/1/2011

Category: Faculty and Staff


Personnel Records


Official personnel files for each faculty and staff member are maintained under the control of the Director of Human Resources (except academic related documents, e.g., evaluations, peer reviews, student evaluations, promotion/tenure issues, and sabbatical applications/reports which are maintained under the control of the Chief Academic Officer) and are protected by the Privacy Act.

The official personnel file for staff may contain the following, if applicable:

  • Pre-employment application information;
  • Letter of appointment;
  • Initial contract;
  • Job description;
  • Annual performance planning and development review (staff). Including any performance improvement plans or agreed upon professional development goals.
  • Official letters of commendation, warning or reprimand (all letters of warning or reprimand will be explicitly indicated as such);
  • Letters of rebuttal;
  • Miscellaneous entries - entered with the concurrence of the Vice President in charge;
  • Personnel Action forms indicating any changes in personnel status.

Access to personnel files is ordinarily limited to the Director of Human Resources and the officers of the University. Each employee may inspect items in his/her official personnel file upon written request to the Director of Human Resources. All personnel information is strictly confidential. Written authorization is required before any personal information can be released to anyone other than the employee.

Changes in Personal Data

All employees must complete a change of employment or records form if changes occur in any personal data such as marital status, address, telephone number, or number of dependents. Change of address forms with Blue Cross/Blue Shield and TIAA/CREF must also be completed. The forms are available from Human Resources.

Reference Requests

Human Resources provides reference information in the form of an employee's or former employee's employment dates and positions held. Salary information is not provided without a signed written request.


President's Council - 1997; Nov 2011


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