Title: Outside Employment and/or Business Interests

Responsible Office: Human Resources
Policy Administrator: VP for Finance and Administration
|Faculty |Staff

Approved By: VP/Provost

Approved Date: 2/1/2009

Effective Date: 2/1/2009

Category: Faculty and Staff


Outside Employment and/or Business Interests


Saint Francis University respects the rights of an employee to engage in activities of his or her choice, both within and outside the University, as long as those activities do not adversely affect the University.

It is the policy that full-time employees will not accept outside employment or enter into other time demanding commitments that will be detrimental to the fulfillment of their responsibilities to the University. Should the immediate supervisor of an employee conclude that he/she has accepted or is contemplating acceptance of employment or another commitment contrary to the above stated policy, the supervisor should so notify the employee in writing. The employee may then continue such employment or commitment or accept such employment or commitment only with the written approval of the Chief Academic Officer or chief administrative officer of the division.

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