Title: Final Examinations

Responsible Office: Academic Affairs
Policy Administrator: Chief Academic Officer
|Faculty |Staff |Student

Approved By: Office of the President

Approved Date: 1/30/1992

Effective Date: 5/15/2019

Category: Academics


To establish a uniform final examination schedule in order to facilitate fairness and help maximize the educational experience for students.





Final examinations must be administered in accordance with the final examination schedule prepared each semester by the registrar. 

Instructors are urged to administer a formal final examination on the day and time included in the final examination schedule prepared each semester by the registrar. In courses where major papers, lab practica, seminar presentations, or other large projects constitute a major portion of the semester's work, such assignments may be substituted for final examinations. These assignments should be due near the end of the semester.  Furthermore, the classes must continue to meet for the full semester, even after these assignments are submitted.

Faculty should inform students of final examination policies on the first day of classes and include the format and schedule for the final examination in the course syllabus.

A final examination is to be given at the time published in the final exam schedule. Final examinations cannot be moved, even with consent of the class and the instructor, once the semester begins. The final exam schedule provides options for multiple section examinations; course faculty may schedule several sections during a common time by contacting the registrar prior to the start of the semester. In the event that an examination is moved to a multiple-section time slot, students with a conflict at that time may petition their instructor for an alternative examination time. 

If a student has more than two final examinations scheduled on the same day, the student may petition her or his faculty to request that an exam be moved. These decisions are at the discretion of the faculty. An instructor may give a student permission to take a final examination with another section of the same class at the instructor's discretion.

A student absent from a final examination due to serious illness, or an equally grave reason, may have his or her examination deferred. Students who are absent from a final examination for the above stated reasons will receive a grade of CN (Continuing) or I (Incomplete). Student completion of the final exam and faculty submission of the resulting letter grade for the course will then follow standard procedures for Incomplete grades, or the stipulations put forth on the Continuing grade contract submitted by the faculty member and student (see "Grading System" policy).  

Complaints about the application of final examination procedures may be made by a student to the chair of the department. Issues that could reasonably have been anticipated based on policies set forth in the syllabus or other written notice by the instructor should be addressed prior to the administration of the exam. Concerns that arise during the actual administration of the exam may be made no later than one week into the subsequent semester. Appeals of the chair's decision may be made to the school dean. The decision of the dean is final and is not subject to appeal.

Faculty members shall keep on file and make available upon request by the chair graded final examinations during the following regular semester. They shall review a graded final examination with a student, if so requested, on an appointment basis, unless it is a standardized exam protected by the usage policies of an outside institution. Faculty members who will be absent from the University during a regular semester shall file examinations in the department chair's office and shall designate a colleague who shall have access to them for consultation with students.


Grading System


Approved by the Faculty Senate: 01-30-1992; Revised: 05-15-2019
Approved by President: 05-15-2019


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