Title: Interlibrary Loan Policy

Responsible Office: Academic Affairs
Policy Administrator: Chief Academic Officer
|Faculty |Staff |Student

Approved By: VP/Provost

Approved Date: 2/8/2018

Effective Date: 2/8/2018

Category: Academics


Interlibrary Loan provides access to materials which are not available within the collections of the Saint Francis University Library. In order to provide global access to information resources, the Library participates in the OCLC Resource Sharing network, reciprocal borrowing programs, and library consortia.

The Saint Francis University Library provides basic interlibrary loan services at no cost to University users. The library also pays the cost of postage to send books to distance education students, and the cost for the return of these books to the Library.   


Interlibrary loan requests are processed by the Library's Public Services Staff. Users must supply complete information; otherwise, requests cannot be processed. Requests are generally filled within two weeks.

Users are encouraged to utilize the Library's electronic and print collections to their fullest potential before submitting interlibrary loan requests. Interlibrary loan requests are screened during processing to assure that the Library's collections do not meet research needs. Users are encouraged to work with Information Services Librarians when doing research.

When using the Saint Francis University Library Electronic Resources, you will find links to Request via Interlibrary Loan which will automatically populate the form with the requested items details. In addition to receiving information about the status of your interlibrary loan requests, you will also be able to receive your journal articles electronically and renew borrowed materials. For those difficult to find resources, you can complete a New Request form to directly request these resources.  

Things you should know:

  • First time users, login with your University network username and password. 
  • Once you have done so, you can submit new requests, review your requests, or request renewals.
  • The Saint Francis University Library does not borrow or purchase dissertations for library patrons. Should you need to obtain a copy of a dissertation, please visit UMI Dissertation Express.
  • Do not use interlibrary loan to request textbooks. The strength of the service lies with providing access to research materials and pleasure reading. Most libraries have time limits on lending items, usually with one renewal, and then expect their materials to be returned. Interlibrary Loan should be viewed as a book rental service.
  • Charges for an Interlibrary Loan item that is not returned or returned damaged vary depending upon charges received from the lending library.
  • The fine for an overdue Interlibrary Loan item is $.25 per day.

Approved by the Committee on Resources, Academic and Library: February 8, 2018

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