Title: Circulation of Materials

Responsible Office: Library
Policy Administrator: Chief Academic Officer
|Faculty |Staff |Student |Public

Approved By: VP/Provost

Approved Date: 2/8/2018

Effective Date: 2/8/2018

Category: General Information


Circulation transactions are legal contracts between the library and the borrower. Borrowers are responsible for appropriate care of library materials charged out to them. The library is responsible for keeping borrowers' records confidential. Prompt return of library materials when due is a consideration shown to fellow library users.


Users: All students, faculty, faculty emeriti, and staff of Saint Francis University may borrow materials from the Library, access online resources, and request items via Interlibrary Loan. A Saint Francis University Identification Card is your "Library card". Cards are not transferrable. Borrowing privileges are available to Community Borrowers and Retired Employees (SFU Circulating Collections only).


Suspension of Privileges: Borrowing privileges may be suspended when library materials are lost or stolen while charged out to the borrower, for documented incidents of vandalism, theft or for other offenses.


Circulating Collections: The length of time library materials may be borrowed, also known as the loan period, varies depending on the type of material. Current loan regulations are:

  • General Collection's -- 4 weeks
  • Sound and Video Recordings -- 1 week
  • Reserve Material -- 4 hours, 24 hours, or one week as denoted by faculty
  • Equipment  4 hours or 1 week

Faculty may borrow general collection's books for 6 months.   Reserve material and equipment is not available to Community Borrowers.   Library Use Only Collections:

  • Reference Materials
  • Periodicals and Newspapers
  • Rare Books/TCA Collection
  • Archival Collections
  • CMC Tests

Renewals: Most items can be renewed before the due date by logging into your library account. Items can also be renewed in person at the Public Services desk by calling, 814-472-3160 during library hours or send an email to circulation@francis.edu. Please have your University ID card and materials at hand when you place the call. The current number of renewals permitted for all materials is two, unless recalled by library staff. Interlibrary Loan materials may be renewed by logging into the patron Interlibrary Loan account. Over Due Notices: All notices are sent to the patron's University email address.   The WMS system generates the following Loan Overdue Notifications:

  • Notification 1: 4 Days before Due Date
  • Notification 2: 5 Days after First Notice
  • Notification 3: 7 Days after 2nd Notification
  • Notification 4: 7 Days after the 3rd Notification

The report of "Outstanding Fees and Bills" is generated at the beginning of each month.  The Head of Access Services sends another email asking the patron to return the item.  If it is not returned the replacement bill is sent to the Business Office one week after the last email is sent.

Replacement Charges: Library users must pay the full cost of replacing lost or damaged items, plus a $15.00 processing charge. Charges are based upon the type of material which has been lost or damaged. Charges for an Interlibrary Loan item that is not returned or returned damaged vary depending upon charges received from the lending library. The fine for an overdue Interlibrary Loan item is $.25 per day.  

Reserve Materials: Reserve Materials are information resources which have been identified by instructors as required or supplemental to course requirements. The library controls access to reserve materials in order to allow them to be utilized by as many students as possible in order to fulfill course assignments. Reserve materials can be identified by browsing the Course Reserves link which is available on the Library website. Reserve materials may be obtained at the Public Services Desk and can only be used within the library for a four hour period unless indicated otherwise by the professor. A valid Saint Francis University ID is required in order to check out reserve materials.    Faculty may submit a Reserve Materials form online or print the form which is available as a PDF. In accordance with copyright law, only original materials may be placed on reserve. Photocopied pages from journals, books, or other copyrighted materials cannot be placed on reserve. Interlibrary loan materials may not be placed on reserve. Only original visual or audio material may be placed on reserve. No more than 2 of the same item will be accepted.

Community Borrowers: Community Borrowers are those library users who are not Saint Francis University students, faculty, or staff. The Saint Francis University Library serves as a local community resource, and provides a range of services to Community Borrowers who enjoy a special relationship with the University. All Circulation Policies apply to Community Borrowers.  Overdue notices will be sent to the email address provided on the Community Borrower Application.   To become a Community Borrower, please complete the Community Borrower Form. Fees are determined as follows:

  • Family Annual Membership - $25.00
  • Individual Annual Membership - $15.00
  • High School Student Annual Membership - $7.50

Retired Employees: Retired employees are welcome to borrow materials of the Saint Francis University Library upon presentation of a "retired faculty or staff" identification card.   

Approved by the Committee on Resources, Academic and Library: February 8, 2018 

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