Title: Violations of the Law

Responsible Office: Student Development
Policy Administrator: VP for Student Development

Approved By: VP/Provost

Approved Date: 7/1/2017

Effective Date: 7/1/2017

Category: Student


Student Conduct jurisdiction over violations of federal, state, local law.


Violations of the Law

Alleged violations of federal, state and local laws may be investigated and addressed under the Code of Student Conduct. When an offense occurs over which the University has jurisdiction, the University conduct process will usually go forward notwithstanding any criminal complaint that may arise from the same incident.

The University reserves the right to exercise its authority of interim suspension upon notification that a student is facing criminal investigation and/or complaint. When criminal charges are pending, the University may be delayed or prevented from conducting its own investigation and moving forward with an Incident Review Hearing. When this happens, the University will delay its hearing until such time as it can conduct an internal investigation or obtain sufficient information from law enforcement upon which to proceed. In cases governed by Title IX, this delay will be no longer than two weeks from notice of the incident.

Students accused of crimes may request to take a leave from the University until the criminal charges are resolved. In such situations, the University procedure for voluntary leaves of absence is subject to the following conditions:

  • the accused student must comply with all University investigative efforts that will not prejudice his/her defense in the criminal trial; and
  • the accused student must comply with all interim actions and/or restrictions imposed during the leave of absence; and
  • the accused student must agree that, in order to be reinstated to active student status, he/she must first be subject to and fully cooperate with, the University conduct review process and must comply with all sanctions that are imposed.

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