Title: Housing and Food Service Contract

Responsible Office: Residence Life
Policy Administrator: VP for Student Development

Approved By: VP/Provost

Approved Date: 7/1/2017

Effective Date: 7/1/2017

Category: Student


Copy of Housing and Food Service Contract 2019-20



Loretto, Pennsylvania


READ CAREFULLY- You are bound by these policies and procedures. This contract is between the individual name on the reverse side and Saint Francis University. A 10% fee is assessed for cancelled contracts. (See Student Handbook for detailed policies, procedures and deadlines.

Resident students are offered the unique opportunity of living in an environment which supports their academic achievement and personal growth. The facilities and qualified staff provide the means to accomplish this growth. This program is part of University Housing Operations and therefore all policies and procedures are in effect. Expectations of resident students lie in accordance to the general expectations of all students. Controlled, mature and considerate behavior is critical to the success of a resident student and is expected at all times. This includes maintaining a clean, undamaged environment that does not block any means of egress, developing relationships with other residents that result in positive contributions to personal growth as well as community development, and respecting the policies and procedures outlined in the housing and food service contract and the student handbook. At all times, residents need to recognize that living in University housing is a privilege. 


  1. It is the policy of Saint Francis University to offer full, equal and nondiscriminatory assistance to all students without regard to their race, color, religion or nationality, in both the placement in University housing and in the furnishings of facilities and services in connection with that housing. 
  2. In order to receive Saint Francis University Institutional Aid (Institutional merit aid, University grants, Endowed University scholarships, etc.) full-time dependent (as determined by Federal guidelines) undergraduate students are required to do one of the following: Live in University Owned or Operated Housing or commute from the home of their parents or legal guardian, if they reside within a 50 mile radius. To receive Athletic Aid, an undergraduate or graduate student regardless of dependent status must reside in University Housing unless approved by the Department of Athletics. If a student chooses to live off-campus (private residence, apartment, etc.) they do so with the understanding that they will forfeit Saint Francis University institutional aid. If a student fraudulently reports that they are commuting from home to the Office of Residence Life and are found to be living off-campus, the University reserves the right to revoke institutional aid and disciplinary action may be taken. 
  3. The University reserves the right to make emergency changes in its calendar.
  4. The housing and food services provided by this contract are applicable only for students to which they are assigned and may not be sold, lent or sublet.
  5. All students living in University residence halls are required to purchase a resident dining plan. Exceptions are given for those in University House/ Apartment Transition Program or HATP.
  6. Any student dropping below 12 credits must meet with the Director of Residence Life in consultation with the Vice President of Student Development to determine continued residency in University housing. Reducing credits below 12 credits does not automatically release a student from their housing contract obligation.


  1. Students intending to withdraw from the University, either during the semester or at the end of a semester, must complete the appropriate forms with the Center for Academic Success and Retention. Failure to complete the appropriate forms constitutes an unofficial withdrawal in which no refunds will be made.
  2.  In the event of complete withdrawal from the University after the scheduled opening of classes, no part of the student's payment representing deposits for room and board will be made. Upon the recommendation of the Vice President of Student Development and Vice President for Finance, in the event of serious illness, an exception may be made, and proportionate share of room and board payments will be refunded. In the event of dismissal, suspension or unofficial withdrawal, no refund payments will be made.


The room/ unit assigned by this contract will not be available for occupancy prior to 9:00 a.m., August 22, 2024 for freshmen and 9:00 a.m., August 25, 2024 for upperclassmen. All rooms/ units must be vacated and left in good order by May 7, 2025 at 12:00 noon by upperclassmen and May 11, 2024 at 6:00 p.m. by graduating seniors.

Residents who withdraw from the University must vacate the residence hall within 24 hours of the date of withdrawal and must complete all check-out procedures with the Director of Residence Life.

University Operated Housing and food facilities will be closed during vacation periods, including Thanksgiving (6:00 p.m., November 26, 2024 to 12:00 noon, December 1, 2024), Christmas (6:00 p.m., December 13, 2024  to 12:00 noon, January 12, 2025), Spring Break (6:00 p.m., February 28, 2025 to 12:00 noon March 9, 2025), Easter Break (6:00 p.m. April 16, 2025 to 12:00 noon April 21, 2025), and any other officially announced University break periods. Extensions during break periods to students who are experiencing difficulty in obtaining accommodations are made not to extend past 10:00 a.m. the following day. 


The Office of Residence Life is responsible for making assignments in University Housing and determining the occupancy and capacity of any room/ unit. Attempts will be made to honor roommate requests, providing both students have notified the Office of Residence Life of the same prior to assignment periods. Such requests will be honored on a space available basis. Students who have not expressed a roommate preference will be randomly assigned. The University will not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion or nationality in the assignment of roommates.

Room changes will not be accommodated until after the first day of classes in any semester. Until that time, all students must remain in their official assignments. Open room changes will be permitted for a one week period.  Changes after that time will be determined by the housing administration. If a student changes assignments without written approval, he/she will be in violation of his/her contract and will be subject to a $25 fine.

The University reserves the right to consolidate a student in a partial vacancy to another partial vacancy. Consolidation will occur after the opening of each semester through the open room change period. The University also reserves the right to administratively re-assign students to another room, wing or building as necessary.  This includes, but not limited to, students in our HATP units who violate guest and/ or alcohol policy will be re-assigned to a residence hall. 

In order to accommodate all students applying for space, it may be necessary to assign students to temporary accommodations. Withdrawals and cancellations will permit these students to be transferred to permanent rooms. When vacancies in permanent rooms occur, temporary spaces must be vacated upon request of the housing staff.


Residents will be held responsible for the condition and cleanliness of their unit and its furnishings and for any loss or damage other than normal wear that may occur during their occupancy. All furnishings are to remain in the unit. At no time is unit furniture to be stored elsewhere. Structural changes of furniture or nailing, screwing or pasting into the walls, woodwork and/or ceilings of the room is not allowed. Occupants of a unit will be held jointly responsible for losses or damages to unit respectively. Charges will be assessed and billed after the end of each semester.

The University is not responsible for loss or damage to personal property of the occupant. Each individual is urged to take home valuable possessions during vacations and to carry personal property insurance.


  • Each student is provided with a single bed, desk, desk chair, and dresser/ wardrobe. Window treatment is provided for each room. Students in the HATP are also provided with furniture for the kitchen/ living room areas
  • Students are responsible for the cleaning of their own rooms/ units and are expected to keep them in clean, reasonable order.
  • The University will provide regular housekeeping services to common areas and maintain services for all areas of the residence halls. Students have the responsibility to help in maintaining the cleanliness of the halls including lounges, kitchens, bathrooms and hallways. Students in the HATP are responsible for maintaining the cleanliness of their units. All damages and malfunctions are to be reported to Office of Residence Life
  • Failure to return a student room key will result in a charge for lock change and keys.


The University reserves the right for authorized representatives to enter the premises for repair or maintenance, health or safety reasons and to determine occupancy and vacancies. Designated officials may enter a room to restore order or to confront policy violations. The Vice President of Student Development or designee may authorize room searches upon suspicion of policy violations.


The use of University Owned/ Operated Housing is conditioned on compliance with University regulations as stated in the Student Handbook, this contract, the University catalog and other university publications or any modifications of these and is limited to residents and their guests.

  • Visitors of resident students must be at least 18 years of age, have a valid photo ID and be escorted by the resident student at all times. Visitors are welcome during visitation hours as long as they do not infringe upon roommates' and other residents' rights. Residents are responsible for informing guests of all policies and for the conduct of their guests at all times. The privilege of being a guest or having guests may be terminated should violations occur.
  • Residents will follow all policies outlined for campus computer usage as defined by IT Services in the Student Handbook "Guidelines for the Acceptable use of Network and Internet Resources".
  • The following shall not be permitted in University Owned/ Operated Housing: Alcohol or drug paraphernalia decorative or otherwise, empty alcohol containers, neon bar lights, alcoholic beverages, illegal drugs, incense, halogen lamps, toaster ovens, space heaters, air conditioners, open coiled appliances, pets, weapons, explosives, internal combustion engines, harmful chemicals, and candles. Eligible students in the HATP can request approval of small quantities of alcohol in accordance with the Alcohol Policy Addendum. Students must receive written approval prior to bringing alcohol into their unit. 
  • It is the responsibility of residents to keep reasonable conditions for studying. Excessive noise is a violation of the right to study and will be referred to the Director of Residence Life for appropriate disciplinary action.
  • Saint Francis University is NOT responsible for the physical safety of the residents, and the student releases the University from any liability therefore, unless the injury arises solely from the gross negligence of the University.
  • Residents are responsible for not blocking any means of egress, including exterior doors, lounge doors and common suite doors.
  • Residents and their guests must participate in fire drills. The use of fire equipment except in case of fire is illegal. All residents are required to exit all buildings in a prompt and orderly fashion upon the sounding of a fire alarm. Any student found in violation of campus fire code that includes but is not limited to, disabling of fire safety devices, covering smoke detectors or falsely activating a fire alarm will face judicial sanctions.


Saint Francis University reserves the right to initiate disciplinary actions on any student who is found in violation of this contract. Noncompliance with the following regulations may result in dismissal from University housing and/or the institution at large:

  • Possession or use of alcoholic beverages (except where allowed in eligible HATP units who have completed the requirements and received the proper permit)
  • Possession or use of explosives, firecrackers, firearms, swords or any weapon, item or substance which may endanger the welfare of the individuals or the University community.
  • Tampering with or misuse of fire-fighting and safety equipment.
  • Failure to respond properly to fire and safety regulations, drills or evacuation procedures.
  • Compromising in any way the safety and security of any University operated housing.
  • Behavior that demonstrates disregard for University operated housing.
  • Possession of illegal drugs, drug paraphernalia, decorative or otherwise.
  • Any other violations of this contract.

The nonperformance of either party to this Agreement, except nonperformance of past due payment obligations, will be excused to the extent that performance is prevented by any act of God or circumstances beyond the control of a party and without its fault or negligence, including, without limitation, pandemic crisis, fire, war, riots, flood, earthquake, failure of third-partying hardware of software, governmental acts or orders or restrictions, or power or communications failure (each a "Force Majeure Event"), provided that the non-performing party gives prompt notice of such Force Majeure Event to the other party and makes all commercially reasonable efforts to remove such causes of nonperformance promptly and perform whenever such Force Majeure Event has ceased. If the Force Majeure Event continues and prevents substantial use of the facility for more than 30 days, either party may terminate this Agreement upon written notice to the other party, and, upon such termination, neither party shall have any further obligation or liability to the other except as set forth in the termination provisions hereof.



Unless specified, and approved in writing, this housing and food contract is for TWO SEMESTERS, fall 2024 and spring 2025.  Requests to break the housing contract mid- year must be received in writing prior to the last day of classes for the Fall Semester.  Refer to the University Student Handbook for additional information.  In addition, the University reserves the right to revoke residency privilege if, in the judgment of the Vice President for Student Development or designee, a resident's conduct is found to be detrimental to the welfare of the university community. Should this be necessary, the student will not be refunded any money for the time removed from housing.  The University reserves the right to amend the conditions of this contract.



___________________________________________________                          ______________________________________________                 _______

Printed Name                                                                                           Signature                                                                                                 Date



ROOM RATES                                                                        DINING PLANS (# of meals/ bonus is per semester- does not carry over)


                                Semester      Year                                                                                                                        Semester      Year

_____ Triple Room                 2828             5654                   _____ Premium (275 swipes + $100 flex)                                 3600             7200


_____ Double Room              3150             6300                   _____ Standard (215 swipes + $225 flex)                                  3600             7200


_____ Suite                             4022             8044                  


_____ Private                          4550             9100                   _____ Value (100 swipes + $375 flex)                                        2794              5588

                                                                                                                (Value plan available to Juniors and Seniors ONLY)           

_____ Christian Triple             3126             6252  


_____ Christian Double           3544             7088                  _____ Unlimited Plan (Unlimited meals in Torvian + $300 flex)   3950             7900   

                                                                                                              (Meals can ONLY be used in Torvian Dining Hall)                   

_____ Christian Suite               4494            8988                                                   


_____ Christian Private           5450            10900                 _____ Suite w/Kitchen Plan (50 swipes + &180 flex)                    1400            2800

                                                                                                            (Limited to Ave 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, and Joan 6 suites)


_____ HATP                           4494             8988                   _____ No Meal Plan Selected (HATP Residents ONLY)






Assignment: ___________________________________________________                     __________________________           

      Building                                                                                             Room Number                                                                         






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