Title: Residence Halls: Residential Behavioral Expectations and Responsibilities

Responsible Office: Residence Life
Policy Administrator: VP for Student Development

Approved By: VP/Provost

Approved Date: 7/1/2017

Effective Date: 6/26/2019

Category: Student


Health and Safety

  • Housing, Apartment, Transitional Program (HATP) Alcohol Policy
  • Keys and ID Cards
  • Lockouts
  • Room Entry
  • Windows
  • Use of Facilities by Groups
  • Lost or Abandoned Property

Residential Courtesy and Citizenship

  • Checking In and Out of Student Rooms
  • Hall Meetings
  • Closings
  • Fines and Additional Charges
  • Guest/Visitation (Including Overnight Guest)
  • Quiet Hours
  • Trash
  • Housekeeping
  • Heating and Cooling
  • Hallway Sports
  • Cooking in Residence Halls
  • Yard Area


Residential Behavioral Expectations and Responsibilities

Health and Safety

HATP Alcohol Policy. Students in HATP, with all members of the housing unit being 21 years of age or over, may apply to have a limited amount of alcohol in their housing unit and small gatherings. Students must apply through the Director of Residence Life for such a privilege. Units approved for alcohol must adhere to the following expectations:

  • The quantity policy for each resident of age is 15 twelve oz. beers/wine coolers OR a handle (1.75 L) of grain alcohol.
  • Open containers and alcohol are not permitted outside of the housing unit.
  • Only a resident assigned to that housing unit may transport alcohol into the apartment, townhouse or house.
  • Drinking games are prohibited. The campus prohibits anything designed for or manipulated to promote the rapid consumption of alcohol. This includes, but is not limited to: Shots, beer pong, beer pong tables/boards, funneling, quarters, or altered board games. Kegs, beer bags, ice luges and "jungle juice" are also in this category. Such items and/or common sources will be confiscated and disposed of when discovered.
  • Empty containers count toward the allowed alcohol limit.
  • Any social gathering or party, which draws attention to itself in a negative manner within University Housing, will not be permitted. These gatherings will be identified by University Officials based on a variety of factors, included but not limited to:
    • Number of guests over the maximum number allowed (number of residents present times two).
    • Excessive quantities of alcohol and/or empty containers.
    • Games that promote the rapid consumption of alcohol (see above).
    • Disturbing the peace, noise and/or people immediately outside the room/apartment.
    • Uncooperative residents/guests.

Residents found in violation of the HATP Alcohol Policy may result in the loss of housing privileges in the House & Apartment Transition Program. This can include moving back into a traditional residence facility room with a required meal plan.  

Keys and ID Cards. Each residence facility is locked 24 hours a day. To gain entry, students must swipe their student ID cards in the card readers located near certain doors of their residence facility. For your safety and that of everyone in your residence facility, do not loan your room/HATP key or student ID card. If you lose your key or ID card, notify Residence Life staff or University Police immediately. Should a key be lost to a residence facility/HATP room, the lock will be changed within 48 hours of notification that the key has been lost and the individual responsible for key loss will be charged for the replacement. All keys and ID cards belong only to Saint Francis University and may not be duplicated or loaned. For your safety, always keep your room/HATP unit locked and carry your key with you. Tampering with or damaging the lock mechanism is prohibited. Additional locks may not be added to doors or University property or equipment. 

Lockouts. Students are expected to keep track of their keys, but everyone occasionally locks themselves out of their room/HATP unit. Each student is given two "free" lockouts per semester. After two lockouts, students will be held accountable through the University judicial system, which may include a fine or community service in hopes the behavior will not continue. Procedures for obtaining assistance when you are locked out of your room/HATP unit can be found at the front desk and/or posted in your building.

Room/HATP Unit Entry. Entry by Saint Francis University authorities into assigned rooms in residence facilities/HATP units will be divided into three categories: Inspection, search and emergency.

Inspection - The entry by University officials into an occupied room/HATP unit in order to ascertain the general welfare of students, to determine health and safety conditions in the room/HATP unit, to check the physical conditions of the room/HATP unit, to make repairs to facilities, or to perform cleaning and janitorial operations. Inspection will not necessarily be conducted in the presence of the room/HATP unit occupant(s).

Search - The entry by University officials into an assigned room/HATP unit for the purpose of (1) investigating suspected violations of campus regulations and/or city, state or federal law and (2) investigating circumstances which require immediate attention. In order to enforce University policies, University officials may enter an individual's room/HATP unit, make a search for and seizure of illegal or otherwise forbidden items.

Emergency - The entry by University authorities into an assigned room/HATP unit when there is perceived danger to persons, properties or buildings. Emergency entry can be made by any University official, including University Police.

Windows. It is acceptable to let in fresh air, but remember that the window screens must be secured at all times. You may be charged for the replacement of unfastened, damaged, removed, or missing window screens from your room/HATP unit. You are not permitted to hang anything out of your window including sheets, banners or flags without written permission from the Office of Residence Life. Nothing deemed offensive should be displayed in your window that the general public can view. There are certain windows that you will not be allowed to cover and will be instructed if you live in a unit with one of those windows.

Use of Facilities by Groups. Space in residence facilities may be reserved for use by student groups while the University is in session. For the safety of our residents, use of the building for non-student groups is only permitted when residential students are not occupying the building. Student groups wishing to use space in the residence facility should contact the building RLC for approval and scheduling.

Lost or Abandoned Property. Personal property remaining in the residence facilities after you vacate or abandon the facility will be disposed of by University staff. You agree to pay all expenses incurred by SFU for the disposal of your belongings if abandoned. Saint Francis University does not assume responsibility for any loss to person(s) or personal property in the residence facilities. It is recommended that you maintain adequate public liability insurance coverage and renter's insurance coverage for your personal property. Damages and losses from a prohibited or restricted item or negligent behavior are the responsibility of the individual whom the item belongs or who committed the negligent act. SFU will not be responsible for personal property left in student rooms/HATP units after the assigned residents have moved out.

Residential Courtesy and Citizenship

Checking In and Out of Student Rooms/HATP Units. The Office of Residence Life determines move-in days for under- and upperclassmen each year. Resident Assistants facilitate room/HATP unit check-ins.

Student rooms/HATP units and furnishings must be returned to their original configuration before you move out. This includes un-lofting beds if applicable. If a room/HATP unit requires restoration or repair before it can be assigned to another student, the cost for this work will be billed to the immediate past resident(s) of that room/HATP unit. The work may include painting, repair to walls and ceilings and the repair or replacement of room/HATP unit furnishings.

To minimize room/HATP unit damage charges:

  • Carefully examine your assigned room/HATP unit when you move in. When you get your key, you will also receive a Room Condition Report (RCR) form that you will complete with the residence facility staff. Complete this form after thoroughly examining your room/HATP unit.
  • Immediately report all room/HATP unit damages or needed repairs to maintenance or residence facility staff.
  • Prior to moving out, it is the resident's responsibility to schedule an appointment for an RA to inspect the room/HATP unit at the time of the resident's departure. During the inspection, the RA will note any discrepancies between the RCR and the actual condition of the room/HATP unit, particularly noting any missing or damaged items. All residents must complete this inspection or accept the condition as noted on the RCR completed by the Residence Life staff. If a resident fails to check out properly, any charges incurred are accepted and the right to appeal is forfeited.
  • After the initial inspection is done with the Resident Assistant, the room/HATP unit is then checked by Residence Life and Physical Plant professional staff, which may incur additional charges for the student that was not first noted on the Room Condition Report.

Residents are responsible for keeping the room/HATP unit safe and sanitary. Deteriorated conditions in the room/HATP unit or its furnishings should be reported to maintenance. Residents will be held financially responsible for all damage to the room/HATP unit and furnishings they were assigned. University disciplinary action may also be taken.

Facilities Meetings. Informative sessions will be held periodically throughout the year in your facility. These meetings, usually led by an RA, serve as times for distributing information, gaining feedback and communicating ideas and concerns for your living environment. If it is necessary for a resident to be absent, it is his or her responsibility to inform his or her RA prior to the time of the meeting and inquire about missed information.

Closings. The residence facilities are closed during Thanksgiving break, Christmas break, Winter break, Spring break and Easter break. When the facilities are closed, students must vacate their rooms/HATP units and card access to the buildings is disabled during this time. Details of closing times and policies are posted in the facilities prior to each break. When the facilities close for breaks, a University staff member checks every room/HATP unit ensure all break procedures are followed. Examples of these procedures would be unplugging certain electrically-powered items, turning off lights and locking windows. Any policy violations will be reported. For more information about residence facility closings, please see a Residence Life staff member.

Fines and Additional Charges. The Office of Residence Life reserves the right to establish and assess fines for failure to comply with residence facility regulations, such as improper checkout, etc.

Guests / Visitation. The number of guests allowed in a residence facility room/HATP unit is limited to two guests per resident present. Guests are not permitted in your room/HATP unit or building if you are not present. Please remember the same things expected of you are also expected of your guests. For the safety and convenience of you, your roommate(s) and your guest(s), all residence facility students are responsible for seeing that their guests are familiar with and observe all University and residence facility policies, rules and regulations. Residents will be accountable for any policy violations, damages or property losses attributed to their guest. Residence Life Staff reserves the right to not allow particular guests to be present in the facility or HATP unit if his or her behavior creates a disturbance to other residents or facility staff.

Overnight Guests. All overnight guests must be registered with your residence facility staff. Only same gender guests at least 18 years of age are permitted overnight. Occupancy for more than three nights by any guest is a violation of University policy. No more than two guests per resident are allowed to stay overnight in a room/HATP unit. Hosts must receive permission from all roommates in order to have an overnight guest, and it is the responsibility of the host to register the guests with the Residence Life staff in the building.

Visitation Hours. Members of the opposite sex may visit in residence facility rooms/HATP units and public areas from 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 midnight on weekdays. Visitation hours are extended until 2:00 a.m. on Saturday and Sunday mornings.

Quiet Hours. You have the right to sleep and study in your room/HATP unit at any time without interference. During quiet hours, sound must not be audible beyond the limits of any room/HATP unit, hallway or lounge. Everyone is expected to demonstrate courtesy and consideration toward others at all times, and, if asked to respect this right, you should immediately comply. The quiet hours are 10:00 p.m. - 10:00 a.m. Sunday through Thursday and midnight until 10:00 a.m. on Friday and Saturday. During final exams, a 24-hour Quiet Policy is adopted for all residential facilities.

Courtesy Hours. Students are required to be considerate of each other's needs and to comply with neighbors' requests for maintaining a lower or reasonable level of noise. This is applicable at all times during the day.

Trash. Please dispose of all trash in the trash rooms located throughout the residence facilities. No trash should be left in the hallways. Break down all cardboard boxes and place them in the trash rooms. Remember to recycle whenever possible. HATP students are notified as to which day is local garbage pickup. HATP students are responsible for making sure anything placed outside is in a trash dumpster or container and is secure as to not attract animals.

Housekeeping. A housekeeper is assigned to each residence facility. The housekeeping staff is responsible for the general cleaning of bathrooms and other public areas. Housekeepers are not responsible for picking up after students or cleaning student rooms/HATP units. Students and guests are expected to be responsible for their mess and take pride in the appearance of their community.

Heating / Cooling (where applicable). During the spring and fall it can be difficult to regulate heating / cooling consistently in most residence facilities. The buildings cannot be switched quickly from heating to cooling / off and vice versa. The heating and cooling systems will be switched according to the calendar and long-range weather forecast. In cold weather, care should be taken to avoid causing the heating unit or radiator to freeze. Units should be left on and windows not be left open for prolonged periods of time. Students may be held accountable for damaged heating / cooling units and all costs associated with failure to comply with these policies. If you need assistance, see a Residence Life staff member.

Hallway Sports. Any programs and events that would include a sport of some kind must be approved first by the Residence Life Coordinator. Certain activities and items are damaging to University property and fire equipment and can cause annoyance and serious injury to residents. Prohibited activities / items include, but are not limited to:

  • Rollerblading
  • Skateboarding
  • Riding bicycles or scooters
  • Golf
  • Hockey
  • Bouncing balls
  • Firecrackers
  • Frisbees

Water hoses and containers of water are prohibited from being thrown or discharged in hallways, lounges, bathrooms, or student rooms/HATP units

Cooking in the Residence Facilities. You are welcome to use the kitchenettes located in the residence facilities to prepare your own meals and snacks. Students are responsible for cleaning up the area after use and remaining in the kitchen at all times when using any cooking appliances. So that these kitchenettes may be enjoyed by all, residents who do not clean up after cooking or do not comply with other posted kitchen polices may lose their right to use the cooking facilities. Improper use of these facilities is prohibited and may be subject to University disciplinary action.

Yards. The yards around the residence facilities are designed for recreational use by residents and their guests. Please be respectful of other students and utilize the designated smoking areas and play music at a minimal level. Please refrain from using the sides of the building in sporting activities.


Approved by President's Council 6/26/19

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