Title: Leadership Development Information

Responsible Office: Student Development
Policy Administrator: VP for Student Development

Approved By: VP/Provost

Approved Date: 7/1/2017

Effective Date: 7/1/2017

Category: Student


Leadership Development opportunities at SFU

SGA Leadership Scholarship Information


Leadership is really more of a journey than just a destination. Saint Francis University offers many opportunities for students to identify and develop their leadership skills and competencies.

To get more information about leadership development at Saint Francis University, visit the Center for Student Engagement in JFK.

At Saint Francis University, student-leadership development philosophy is put into practice through F.L.A.S.H. Leadership Development. F.L.A.S.H. (Franciscan Leaders: Achieve, Serve, and Honor) focuses on leadership development, character formation, and responsible citizenship -- all inspired by the institution's Catholic, Franciscan mission. These competencies are derived from a number of sources, including Catholic Social Teachings, Ex Corde Ecclesiae, the Franciscan Intellectual Tradition, the Saint Francis University Goals of Franciscan Higher Education, and the Saint Francis University General Education Objectives.

Regardless of one's faith or faith practices, it is the belief of Saint Francis University that the values and moral example provided by our Patron Saint Francis of Assisi transcend time, culture, and religion to offer a universal and purely human approach to service in leadership.

  •  Franciscan Values - for a life of constant conversion through humility, compassion, and generosity
  • Leadership Theory - for service through knowledge and application of organizational behavior and responsible stewardship
  • Diversity Awareness - for social justice through the respect of individuality and the care for creation.
  • Community Development - for engagement through collaboration, volunteerism, and the sharing of gifts 

On campus, there are many student organizations, departmental programs, and general campus- programming that incorporate F.L.A.S.H. and its competencies. Some of the more prominent entities that work diligently to integrate F.L.A.S.H. Leadership Development are the Student Government Association, the Peer Ministers, the Orientation Counselors, and the Greek Life Community.

Another outstanding entity on campus is the SFU Emerging Leaders. The SFU Emerging Leaders is a selected group of students who undergo a three-year commitment to personal growth and to service to both campus and community. Members of the Emerging Leaders program are selected prior to the start of their Freshman year. Contact the Center for Student Engagement for more information.

F.L.A.S.H. Leadership Development is available throughout the year for all students and student- organizations. Basic training styled consulting and training is available through many different opportunities such as the annual Fall SGA Leadership Conference. For leadership consultation, contact the Center for Student Engagement or email studentlife@francis.edu.

SGA Leadership Scholarship

The Saint Francis University Student Government Association (SGA) awards three $1,000 fellowships to incoming first-year students who have demonstrated a commitment to developing their leadership potential through areas such as community service, involvement in clubs and organizations, athletics, and student government. The purpose of this fellowship is to develop leadership skills and competencies, foster unique opportunities and experiences, and create an environment where these talents can be utilized to promote the values of SGA Leadership, Service, and Community.

Eligibility. All incoming first-year, first-time undergraduate students who have been awarded a Saint Francis University Merit Scholarship (Red-Flash Co-Curricular, Assisi, Presidential, and Founders Scholarships) will be eligible. Scholarship applications are mailed to the home addresses of all incoming freshman over the summer prior to starting classes.

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