Title: Responsibilities for Promotion and Tenure

Responsible Office: Academic Affairs
Policy Administrator: Chief Academic Officer

Approved By: Office of the President

Approved Date: 5/1/2013

Effective Date: 5/1/2013

Category: Academics


Responsibilities for Promotion and Tenure


A.  Candidate

  • Meets annually with his or her department chair and reviews his or her progress toward promotion and tenure.
  • Knows the minimum eligibility requirements.
  • Understands thoroughly the promotion and tenure procedures and his or her role in them.
  • Understands and meets all deadlines.
  • Gathers, prepares, and submits a complete application.

B.  Department Chair

  • Meets annually with all department faculty and reviews their progress toward promotion and tenure.
  • Makes annual classroom visitations.
  • Prepares and submits an annual evaluation for all non-tenured faculty.
  • Prepares and submits a written appraisal to accompany promotion and tenure applications that includes an unambiguous recommendation for or against the application.

C.  Dean

  • Meets annually with department chairs and reviews faculty progress toward promotion and tenure.
  • Prepares and submits a written appraisal to accompany promotion and tenure applications that includes an unambiguous recommendation for or against the application.

D.  Committee on Promotion and Committee on Tenure

  • Validates the possession by the applicant of the minimum academic and service qualifications.
  • Renders a qualitative judgment on the applicant's qualifications based upon the appropriate criteria.
  • Makes a recommendation on each applicant to the President.
  • Formulates summary recommendations on promotion and tenure policies and procedures, if any, to the President.


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