Title: Faculty Organization

Responsible Office: Academic Affairs
Policy Administrator: Chief Academic Officer
|Faculty |Staff

Approved By: President's Council

Approved Date: 11/1/2011

Effective Date: 11/1/2011

Category: Faculty and Staff


Summary of the Faculty Organization



The faculty of the University are those members who, by reason of their qualifications, have been appointed to an academic rank and discipline. Faculty include those University employees who are primarily involved in teaching, research, or academic administration. Faculty hold academic rank as determined at the time of appointment or achieved through the promotion process. Faculty shall have the right to academic freedom in their teaching and research.

Full-time faculty are those faculty teaching a full-time load as defined in the Faculty Handbook or those who have other duties, such as academic administration, that are equivalent to a full-time teaching load. Full-time lab instructors are considered to be full-time faculty. Adjunct faculty and visiting faculty are not considered to be full-time faculty regardless of their teaching load or other responsibilities.

Full-time faculty have all the rights and responsibilities outlined in the Faculty Handbook unless specifically excluded. Full-time faculty are eligible to vote for members of the Faculty Senate, to vote in faculty meetings, and to serve on the Faculty Senate and most committees of the Faculty Senate. Faculty are considered either tenured, not tenured but on the tenure track, or not on the tenure track.

The Human Resources Department shall maintain the lists of all faculty, including tenured faculty, non-tenured faculty, faculty not on a tenure track, department chairs, new faculty, full-time faculty at each rank, visiting faculty, and adjunct faculty. These lists shall be available electronically and in print.

Adjunct faculty, visiting faculty, and administrative staff are welcome to attend faculty and Faculty Senate meetings and to participate in faculty development activities.

Revised and approved by the Faculty Senate May 2007; May 2013; May 2020; May 2023.

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