Title: Special Compensation For Hourly (non-exempt) Employees

Responsible Office: Human Resources
Policy Administrator: VP for Finance and Administration
|Faculty |Staff

Approved By: President's Council

Approved Date: 11/1/2011

Effective Date: 6/11/2020

Category: Faculty and Staff


Special Compensation For Hourly (non-exempt) Employees


Call-Back Pay

When a full-time employee is called back to work at times other than his/her normal work schedule, he/she is guaranteed a minimum of four (4) hours pay. Call-back time which is not worked does not count towards determining overtime and is paid at straight time. If call-back time worked is more than four (4) hours, the employee is compensated for actual time worked and all call-back time worked over four (4) hours is subject to overtime calculation. This minimum does not apply to work performed prior to the start of a regular shift and which continues into the regular work shift. An employee may be called back to work by the immediate supervisor or department head.

Travel Time

As a general rule, home-to-work travel is not compensable. However, in accordance with the Portal-to-Portal Act, traveling by an employee from job site to job site during his/her workday is compensable work. Additionally, employees who travel overnight on business are paid for time spent in traveling, except for meal periods, during their normal working hours on their non-working days, such as Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays, as well as on their regular working days. Regular wages will be paid to employees for such days.

Approval: President's Council 1991, Revised 1997, 2020

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