Title: Employee Background Checks

Responsible Office: Human Resources
Policy Administrator: VP for Finance and Administration
|Faculty |Staff

Approved By: President's Council

Approved Date: 11/1/2011

Effective Date: 11/1/2011

Category: Faculty and Staff


Employee Background Checks


Saint Francis University is committed to hiring the very best candidate for every position at the institution and to provide the safest possible environment for students, visitors, faculty and staff. To that end, thorough background checks will be conducted during the screening and selection process.It is the policy of Saint Francis University to obtain:

  1. Criminal history record information on applicants who are under final consideration for positions following the normal screening and selection processes.
  2. Consumer credit history checks on applicants who are under final consideration for positions that involve the handling or transporting of cash.  All credit checks are conducted in compliance with the Federal Fair Credit Reporting Act of 1997 (FCRA).

The employment application shall clearly state, "All finalists for employment at Saint Francis University must undergo a criminal background check".


A background check must be completed on all candidates for employment BEFORE an offer of employment is extended.

1.  Authorization for Background Check

Candidates for Full Time positions

  • All candidates for full time positions must be scheduled to meet with the Director of Human Resources or his/her designee during their on-campus visit. During the meeting with the Director of Human Resources, candidates will be advised that employment is contingent upon an acceptable background check.
  • Candidates will complete an Application for Employment (if not completed prior to visit) and an Employment Inquiry Release Form, authorizing the University to complete a background check. The Director of Human Resources will keep the signed authorizations on file, and will not start a background check UNTIL a request is made by the Hiring Supervisor.

Candidates for Part Time, Adjunct, Casual, or Temporary positions

  • The hiring supervisor for all positions other than full time must inform the candidates that employment is contingent upon an acceptable background check.
  • The hiring supervisor must obtain a completed application (if not completed prior), and an "Employment Inquiry Release" from each candidate.
  • The hiring supervisor will forward the completed Employment Inquiry Release to the Director of Human Resources.

2.  Completion of Background Check

  • The Director of Risk Management and Public Safety will engage an outside company to complete a statewide, county, and if applicable, credit background check for every location where the candidate has lived for the past seven years.
  • Hiring supervisors should be aware that while some reports may be completed in as little as 24-48 hours, the background check may take several weeks to complete, depending on how many jurisdictions are checked.

3.  Reporting the Completed Background Check

  • The Director of Human Resources will contact the hiring supervisor when the background check is complete.
  • The criminal history record information obtained by the University may be only used for the purpose of evaluating applicants for employment. This policy does not automatically exclude from consideration for employment individuals with criminal convictions. However, if the nature of a conviction may jeopardize the safety of students, faculty, and staff, it will preclude an individual from being hired. Use of the report is subject to federal and Pennsylvania laws concerning the use of arrest and conviction records for employment decisions.

4.  Review of the Background Check Results

  • All criminal conviction reports will be reviewed by the Director of Risk Management and Public Safety and/or University Counsel without any identifying information provided. If after review of the results the Director of Risk Management and Public Safety, University Counsel, the Director of Human Resources, and the hiring supervisor agree that hiring the applicant would pose a threat to students, faculty, and staff the applicant will be informed of these findings in accordance with FRCA (Fair Credit Reporting Act) requirements by the Director of Human Resources. In such cases, the applicant will be given the name, address, and telephone number of the firm that completed the criminal background report.

5.  Recordkeeping

  • All criminal background reports will be considered confidential. As such, they will not be made part of the applicants file. The Director of Human Resources will destroy all criminal background reports no later than 180 days after receipt. Documentation will be maintained by the Director of Human Resources for anyone hired who has a criminal record.

6.  Background Checks on Rehired Employees

  • A new background check will be completed for employees who have been separated from the University for a period of one or more years.

Questions regarding criminal background investigations should be directed to the Director of Human Resources or the Director of Risk Management and Public Safety.


  • Criminal conviction record information: Information collected about a person by a criminal justice agency that includes misdemeanor and felony crimes as defined below.
  • Felony. A crime which may be in the first, second, or third degree classification and the person may be sentenced to a term of imprisonment of up to or more than ten years. Typical felonies include murder, arson, rape, burglary, kidnapping, causing or risking catastrophe, robbery and drug convictions.
  • Misdemeanor.  A crime which may be in the first, second or third degree classification and the person may be sentenced to a term of imprisonment of up to five years. Typical misdemeanors include possession of weapons on school grounds, stalking, assault on a sports official, indecent exposure, theft, and drug convictions.
  • Background check company.  A firm contracted to conduct background checks on behalf of an employer. Will conduct checks in accordance with employer requests.

Approved by the Board of Trustees - 2005

Revised and reaffirmed by the Presidents Council November 2011

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