Is This a Policy: Y
Responsible Office: IT Services
Policy Administrator: VP for Finance and Administration
Approved By: President's Council
Approved Date: 4/27/2022
Effective Date: 4/27/2022
Category: Institutional
The University provides the email, network, guest network, and Internet resources for University-related activity. The purpose of the campus network is to support education and research by providing access to valuable resources. It also provides opportunity for interaction and collaborative work using the Internet through e-mail services and other network applications. The Acceptable Use of Information Technology Resources policy is applicable to all employees and students.
The University provides the email, network, guest network, and Internet resources for University-related activity. The purpose of the campus network is to support education and research by providing access to valuable resources. It also provides opportunity for interaction and collaborative work using the Internet through e-mail services and other network applications. The Acceptable Use of Information Technology Resources policy is applicable to all employees and students.
This policy applies to all employees, faculty, staff, students, vendors and partners at Saint Francis University, and to anyone accessing the Saint Francis University internal data network.
The University reserves the right to monitor hardware and software activities on its networks to prevent unauthorized access or misuse of network resources according to University policies, and local, state or federal laws, and to take other actions as necessary.
The electronic mail system is the property of Saint Francis University. Accordingly, all messages composed, sent, received, or stored on the electronic mail system are, and will remain, the property of the University. There should be no expectation of privacy or confidentiality for documents and/or messages sent, received or stored on the University-owned network or computer systems; however, the University recognizes the gravity of accessing the content of e-mail messages. Requests to search or to review the content of e-mail must be made in writing to the Chief Information Officer.
Requests to review employee e-mails must be approved by the Chief Information Officer, the Chief Academic Officer, and the Human Resources Manager. Requests to review student e-mails must be approved by the Chief Information Officer, the Chief Academic Officer, and the Vice President for Student Development.
The content of e-mails will not be revealed to outside entities or individuals without permission of the account holder or an appropriate court order.
Employees will be assigned an e-mail address and will have access to the Network to facilitate their work. University faculty and staff should use their University provided (at email address when conducting University business and should refrain from merging personal and business email activities. Any text sent or posted via the Internet contains the users address and the University name. Employees should treat email messages as formal communications. Sending unauthorized or illegal materials over the Internet is not permitted, and may potentially harm, embarrass, or subject the University to potential liability. Users are cautioned when opening messages or any attached material, even from a reputable source, because of the possibility of computer virus exposures. Users should also keep in mind that email may be misdirected, and caution is necessary when transmitting confidential information.
Electronic mail and communications are subject to disclosure to law enforcement or government officials.
Prohibited uses of electronic mail include, but are not limited to, the following:
- displaying or transmitting distasteful or offensive images, slurs, epithets, or anything else that harasses, intimidates or disparages another person on the basis of such factors as gender, race, sexual orientation, color, age, religion, disability, or national origin;
- viewing, sending, downloading, storing or knowingly receiving pornographic materials;
- using information in violation of federal copyright laws and state law;
- intercepting and opening electronic mail or attempting to gain access to another person's account except by those authorized to diagnose and to correct technical problems;
- transmitting unauthorized mass email messages;
- fraudulently sending emails purporting to be from reputable sources in order to induce individuals to reveal personal information, otherwise known as phishing.
Internet Resources
Internet access is purchased by and owned by the University. Internet resources and file sharing utilities are subject to disclosure to law enforcement or government officials.
Prohibited uses of Internet resources include, but are not limited to, the following:
- displaying or transmitting distasteful or offensive images, slurs, epithets, or anything else that harasses, intimidates or disparages another person on the basis of such factors as gender, race, sexual orientation, color, age, religion, disability, or national origin;
- viewing, sending, downloading, storing or knowingly receiving pornographic materials;
- using information in violation of federal copyright laws or state law;
- accessing a file on a University owned computer or network without the permission of the owner to copy, rename, modify, examine or change the file protection or The lack of protection on a file does not imply right of access;
- creating web sites on University servers or networks which are linked to University web sites and/or using University domain or URL addresses, to sell products or services;
- copying and sharing of MP3s, images, movies or other copyrighted material which is not rightfully owned by the holder;
- posting or plagiarizing copyrighted material;
- Any unethical and/or illegal electronic activities such as hacking, phishing, "Denial of Service" attacks, and dissemination of spam and/or viruses.
Violation of this Policy
Any person learning of a violation of this policy should notify the Chief Information Officer. Failure of an individual to comply with the policies set forth in this document constitutes an offense. As with all matters of law and ethics, ignorance of the rule does not excuse violations. Policy abuses may result in immediate denial of service and penalties that may include loss of computing privileges or termination of employment. Policy abusers are liable for monetary payment and may be liable for civil or criminal prosecution under State and Federal statutes. Technology specialists will not provide support to users who fail to follow this policy.
When an incident or a violation of this policy is reported the following actions will be followed:
- An investigation into the allegations will be conducted by the Chief Information Officer or his/her designee.
- If necessary, access to the University network will be suspended immediately for the accused person(s).
- A referral to the human resources department for employees, or to the Student Development Department in the case of student violation may be necessary.
- In order to regain access to network privileges, the accused individual must sign an agreement with Saint Francis University under which the individual agrees to cease the activity that is in violation of this Any further infractions may result in the permanent loss of access to University-owned network resources.
- The University reserves the right to terminate employment depending on the severity of the violation and/or a repeat violation of this policy.
V. KEYWORDS AND DEFINITIONS (in alphabetical order)
"Network" - refers to the computing resources owned and operated by Saint Francis University.
A. Related Policies
"Logical Access Control"
"Information Security Policies"
January 28, 2022 - Jason P. Nairn
December 2, 2022 - Jason P. Nairn
SUPERSEDES: 'Acceptable Use of Email, Network, Guest Network and Internet Resources'; Approved 08/15/2013